Mar 29 2022 107 mins 1
This week on the show, it's a Hootenanny! The More of That gang breaks down The Replacements' second studio album Hootenanny from 1983. We read the personal ads, take a trip to the ski slopes, change up the lineup, and Matt calls everyone losers. We're Treatment Bound and would love for you to join us on the journey.
Thanks as always for listening. Please leave a review, and tell a friend about our show!
Our opening music is a song by us called "Never Say Never Again." You can find our band, More Of That, wherever you stream music (including Bandcamp).
DISCOGRAPHOLOGY T-SHIRTS are available now and they're awesome! Hit us up anywhere online to buy one now!
Check out our YouTube channel
Twitter: @discographpod
Instagram: @moreofthatpresents
Logan has cool stuff on YouTube at Logan Williams Music
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