Host Nuggets:
- Matt- Did too many bikes last week and took a break this week. Buy his large Esker Smokey! He and Kenny discuss the "knock block" in the Epic World Cup frame
- Kenny- Explains why golf is the most violent sport
- Andrea- Use the JRA web contact form! She's been out in the woods and in the doctor's office this week. Matt saw a mountain lion in their neighborhood, and she went out and found its tracks the next day.
New Shit:
- Rhino Racks purchases Rocky Mounts
- Several racers are leaving Trek Race Team
- Orbea and Transition fold factory teams
- Raceface Chester pedal updates
- Feedback Sports fixed torque driver
- Segway starts making e-bikes
- Mason Macro "affordable" hardtail
Listener Questions:
- Moto clutch and tire advice
- What happens to e-bike batteries when they die?