Jan 05 2025 105 mins 2
With the Elysia Rising story complete, we come together one last time to talk about the second EoE campaign.
Played using the Blades in the Dark ruleset, by John Harper - https://bladesinthedark.com/greetings-scoundrel
EoE - https://twitter.com/EoElsewhere
DM DAN - https://twitter.com/dmdant | https://www.instagram.com/dmdmt
JULIA - https://www.instagram.com/juliathebard
JC - https://www.instagram.com/JCQuickDIY | https://www.instagram.com/capitalRPG/
MEG - https://www.instagram.com/midgetmeg92
NATE - https://www.instagram.com/njadamart | https://www.instagram.com/pridecaf
Intro Voiceover by Georgia Cook - @georgiacooked
Dark Beginning by Yevhenii Kovalenko - https://pixabay.com/music/main-title-dark-beginning-135858/
Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com