Jun 23 2024 42 mins 1
Ep84 – Agnes Russo is a contemporary abstract artist living in Dallas, Texas. Her art is an invitation to stop, relax and recharge in this crazy, busy life. She uses a loose technique with water and acrylics that allows the art to reveal it’s own story of peace and serenity.
This past year has been an eye-opening experience for Agnes. She has developed a deeper understanding of what she wants to express with her art, and she has been able to use this understanding to connect with more buyers, especially at in-person events. However, Agnes is trying to have a stronger online presence and is looking to bridge the significant gap between her online sales and her in-person events.
She knows social media can be a useful tool for artists, but she struggles to allow herself to be vulnerable with her audience after a difficult online experience.
Listen in as we get to the heart of what Agnes really wants and discuss the best way for her to get there.
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>> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @artistmarketco.