Dec 23 2024 4 mins 6
Three sources will frame the series:
- A Bob Dylan Primer: This is a 16 part series that walks through Bob Dylan’s career one phase at a time. It was created and produced by Michael Hacker, who has revised and updated the series for this presentation. One episode of this series will be released each week.
- Dylan Revisited: What began as a series of Tweet Threads which exquisitely condensed and presented key albums and events in Dylan’s life, later became a series of blog posts. and is now a podcast - all by writer Colm Larkin. A new episode and associated blog post will appear every week or two.
- Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan: The first and many still believe best serious critical analysis of Dylan’s work comes from Michael Gray in his Song & Dance Man books. New excerpts from the book and recut versions of our chapter-by-chapter talks with Michael will be released throughout this series.
To get the posts and bonus material that accompany this series:
- Sign Up for Our Substack : The free level will include most of the series; there will be bonus material for paid supporters.
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