Dec 07 2024 5 mins 3
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story!
Rock-Solid Protection
Brennan listened as the woman on TV reported that temperatures had dropped to a record-breaking low with a strong wind. “Can we still go for our breakfast tomorrow morning?” he asked anxiously. To him, the best part of the season was having breakfast with his dad the day before Christmas. Each year, they’d get up at dawn, load backpacks with supplies, and walk through the snow to a favorite spot on a nearby lake, where they would start a fire and cook their food. Now he wondered if they would have to change their plans because of the weather.
“It will be an adventure—a really cold one,” said Dad. “But let’s do it.”
Early the next morning, they dressed in several layers of warm clothes and headed for the lake. Wind whipped the snow all around, stinging Brennan’s cheeks. When they finally made it to the rocky lakeshore, Brennan was so cold! “Maybe we shouldn’t have come,” he yelled to his father over the sound of the wind.
“We’ll be okay,” Dad assured him. “Head for those huge boulders over there.”
Behind a towering rock, Brennan instantly felt warmer. Within minutes, they had a fire going, and they began to warm up even more. “I can hardly feel the wind here,” said Brennan.
“I know,” said Dad as he turned bacon in the frying pan. “We can hear it blowing all around us, but the rocks protect us from most of its effects.” He cracked some eggs into the pan. “This huge rock is a good picture of what the Bible means when it says God is our Rock. He gives shelter and protection, and we can trust Him even though there’s chaos all around.”
“My teacher at church said something like that,” said Brennan, “but I didn’t really know what it meant until now.”
Dad put the bacon and eggs on their plates, and Brennan poured hot chocolate out of the thermos. “I’m glad we came,” said Brennan, “but I’d hate to be out here very long without this rock to shelter us.”
“Me, too,” said Dad. “It reminds me that life can also bring many storms—and I’d hate to be in this world without God, our Rock, to shelter me.”
So how about you?
Have you ever stood behind a big rock to get out of the wind? Rocks can protect you in many ways, and the Bible says God is a Rock for Christians. He gives shelter and protection from the bad things of this world. Remember that He is there for you during storms in your life—the difficult experiences you sometimes have to face. Go to Him and trust Him to see you through.
Key Verse
Psalm 62:6 "He (God) only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved."
Key Thought
God shelters His own.
Further Reading
Psalm 62:5-8