Jan 04 2025 4 mins 2
Thank you for listening to the Countdown to Christmas with Zach podcast. We'd like to introduce you to our daily devotional Keys for Kids podcast, so for this first week of 2024 we're releasing those episodes on this feed too.
If you like them, you can subscribe to or follow the Keys for Kids podcast for free: https://keysforkids.net/kfkpodcast
Kahlil closed the book he was reading and sighed.
“You don’t look very happy,” said his sister, Anisa. “What are you thinking about?”
Kahlil hesitated. “God,” he admitted. “I’ve been wondering if God really hears us when we pray.”
“Of course He does!” said Anisa.
“And my teacher at church says God is everywhere,” said Kahlil. “How can that be? And how can He have no beginning?”
“I can’t believe you’re questioning God!” said Anisa. “Better not let Mom or Dad hear you do that.”
“Do what?” asked Dad as he walked in and sat down.
Kahlil nervously picked at the corner of his book. “Well, sometimes I don’t understand things about God and what the Bible says about Him. I have lots of questions, and Anisa thinks that’s wrong.”
“No, it’s not wrong,” said Dad. “It’s perfectly okay for you to have those kinds of questions.”
“It is?” asked Anisa. She and Kahlil looked at each other in surprise.
Dad nodded. “You learn by asking questions. For example, you made macaroni and cheese yesterday, right? How did you learn to do that?”
Anisa chimed in. “I heard him ask Mom a ton of questions. He asked how much water to use and how high to set the burner. And he asked how long it had to boil.” She turned to her brother. “You’ve seen Mom make it a million times, but you didn’t know anything when you tried to do it yourself.”
Kahlil made a face at his sister. “Well, I could do it now!”
Dad smiled. “I’m sure you could. Asking questions helped you learn what to do. That’s one reason God welcomes our honest questions—He knows they help us learn.”
“You mean God’s not mad?” Anisa asked.
Dad shook his head. “The book of Psalms is full of hard questions the writers asked God. Their questions helped them understand more about God and why they could trust Him. So don’t be afraid to ask hard questions. Questions can strengthen your faith as you learn more about who God is and how Jesus came to save you and promises to be with you through life’s difficulties.”
Standing up, Dad said, “I’m hungry. Why don’t we ask God some questions together over a bowl of Kahlil’s mac and cheese?”
How About You?
What are some things about God you don’t understand? It’s okay to ask hard questions—they can help you learn and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Ask your parents, teachers at church, or any Christian adult you feel you can talk to. Look to the Bible for answers too, and ask God to help you understand more about who He is and what He’s done for you.
Key Verse
Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know." (CSB)
Key Thought
Ask and learn
Scripture Reading
Psalm 73:13-28; Proverbs 2:1 -9