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Jan 06 2025 4 mins   1

Thank you for listening to the Countdown to Christmas with Zach podcast. We'd like to introduce you to our daily devotional Keys for Kids podcast, so for this first week of 2024 we're releasing those episodes on this feed too.

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Helpful Ants

"How about a break?” said Dad. He stopped pedaling, leaned his bike against a tree, and then plopped onto the park bench beside the bike trail.

“Good idea!” said James. “I’m tired and thirsty!” He and Dad took water bottles from their bikes. Dad also pulled two granola bars from his bike bag and handed one to James.

As James removed the wrapper, a piece of granola fell to the ground. A tiny ant appeared and tried to whisk it away. James watched as the ant tried again and again, but the piece was just too large for it to handle.

A moment later, a mass of scurrying ants appeared. They worked together, lifting and dropping the chunk several times until it fell apart. Then each ant seized a small piece, and they all ran off in the same direction.

“Did you see that?” asked James. “That ant needed help—and he got it!”

“He sure did,” said Dad. “That’s a good example of how we should act as Christians.”

James looked at Dad. “You mean we should help each other, right? Like when that big storm ripped shingles off our garage roof last summer and a bunch of guys from church helped repair it. With all their help, it didn’t take very long before it was fixed. A big job became a small one—just like with the ants.”

Dad nodded. “I’m sure the guys from church didn’t think about it at the time, but they were demonstrating to our neighbors the love Christians should have for each other.”

“But aren’t we supposed to show God’s love by helping people who don’t know Jesus too?” asked James.

“Yes,” said Dad. “Helping those who don’t know Jesus can be a powerful way to show them who He is and what He’s like, and helping other Christians can too.” Dad and James got up and put on their helmets.

“Mr. Locke next door was so impressed by what our church friends did to help with our roof that he wanted to know more about our church,” added Dad. “I explained that we love one another because Jesus loves us—so much that He died for our sins and rose again. I’m praying that Mr. Locke will soon know Jesus too.”

How About You?

Can people see God’s love in your willingness to help others? By having a kind, helpful attitude, you can show others that you belong to Jesus. When people see you do things like help a neighbor rake their yard or show a new kid around school or church, they see the love that Jesus has put in your heart—and some of them might decide they want Jesus in their lives too.

Key Verse

Galatians 6:10 "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." (NKJV)

Key Thought

Show God’s love

Scripture Reading

1 John 4:7 -11