Mar 19 2025 4 mins
READ: DANIEL 6:16-23; MATTHEW 19:26; ROMANS 1:20; 1 PETER 1:3-5
The sky at night is one of the most amazing sights in the world. Thousands of stars hang against a dark sky, with the moon lighting up the earth on a clear night. In a word, it’s beautiful.
But have you ever thought about how difficult it would be for a human to recreate that? We don’t know how to hang one star, let alone thousands. We couldn’t build a moon even if we tried. The Milky Way, the endless galaxies, the aurora borealis, the planets—each of these are too complex for us to create.
However, God can and did create all this. Humans have limitations and boundaries. But God doesn’t—nothing is too hard for Him. One of the attributes we use to describe God is omnipotent, which means all-powerful. There may be times in our lives when we think that the circumstances we’re facing are too hard even for God. But God’s power is unlimited. It was His power that created the world, shut the mouths of the lions in their den, and raised Jesus from the dead.
Jesus has always been fully God, and when He became fully human, He willingly took on our weakness. The all-powerful God let us nail Him to a cross—why? Because He loves us, and He longs to forgive us and bring us close to Himself.
We don’t serve a weak, helpless God who can’t do anything. We serve a God who is all-powerful. He is stronger and more loving than we can imagine. • Morgan A. Mitchell
• Have you ever seen something in nature that left you in awe of God’s power? What was it?
• Does it ever seem strange to you that Jesus has all power, yet He willingly took on our weakness? What does this reveal about God’s love? If you want to dig deeper, read Isaiah 53; Matthew 26:50-56; Philippians 2:6-11.
• What are some ways you’ve seen God’s power in your own life or in the lives of people around you? If you can’t think of anything, consider asking God to bring examples to mind. You might notice His answer immediately, or in a few days or weeks.
“Oh, Lord God! You yourself made the heavens and earth by your great power and with your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for you!” Jeremiah 32:17 (CSB)