"Real" Accomplishments

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Mar 25 2025 5 mins  


When someone talks about their achievements in a video game, people who share their passion for gaming will often celebrate with them! But other people’s reaction might just be to shrug and dismiss it based on the assumption that: “Those types of accomplishments don’t really matter.” Often, the people who feel this way prefer to spend their time and energy on things such as their career, physical appearance, grades, or any number of other pursuits. But are any of those things really that much more valuable than video games?

God placed in us a desire to achieve. A desire to work, and to build, and to strive for things. This is a good desire. But when sin entered the world, this desire was corrupted. Our work became tainted by our greed, pride, lust, vanity, and other sinful desires. And, in the end, many of the accomplishments we work so hard for won’t last. But the good news is, our work does not have to be meaningless.

In Matthew 6, Jesus says the treasures we store up on earth will all pass away. But the treasures we store up in heaven will last. He draws a clear distinction between earthly accomplishments and heavenly accomplishments. When we do the work of God’s kingdom for His glory, we are storing up treasure in heaven. When our work flows from our love for God and for the people around us, we produce fruit that will last (Matthew 22:36-40; John 15:16).

It’s not wrong to work hard to achieve things. But it’s important to keep in mind the difference between storing up treasures on earth and storing up treasures in heaven. Remember, everything Jesus did—including His death and resurrection—flowed from His love for the Father, and for us. If we know Jesus, His Holy Spirit lives in us, so we can love like Jesus loves as we work for God’s glory. • Josiah Eising

• How can resting in Jesus’s love for us affect the way we work and what we choose to work on?

• Our motivation for work becomes twisted when we get wrapped up in temporary, created things and forget our eternal Creator. God is always working. He designed us to work, and He invites us to enjoy doing the good things He made us to do—with Him! When Jesus returns, everyone who has put their trust in Him will live with Him forever in the new heavens and new earth, and our work will no longer be tainted by sin. If you want to dig deeper, read Genesis 1:26–2:3, 15; Isaiah 65:17–25; John 5:17; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Colossians 3:1-17; 1 John 2:15-17.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 (CSB)