Mar 21 2025 71 mins 227
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
1. 0:38 {The JWs Came Over} What happened when the Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my house?
2. 17:05 {So Many Saw – So Little Believed?} Since many saw the saints who were raised to life (Matthew 27:52 -53) then more than 500 saw Jesus after His resurrection, how is it that so many didn’t believe He rose (e.g. Saul pre-Damascus)?
3. 24:02 {Circumcision: How would Paul Respond?} In Galatians 3, Paul says faith, not law, saves us, citing Abraham’s heirs (Galatians 3:7 , 28-29). How would he respond to Judaizers citing Genesis 17:9 -14 on circumcision as necessary? Why doesn’t this apply now?
4. 29:47 {Online Ordination: Mocking God?} My brother asked me to officiate his wedding. They’re not believers, and I’m female. The only way to do it is to get ordained online. That feels like mocking God and His church. Biblical thoughts?
5. 34:48 {“Spirit Princes” – For Today?} Can you explain Daniel 10:13 and 10:20 ? What is the ‘spirit prince’ of the kingdom of Persia (NLT)? Is the concept of a spirit prince over a region only seen in the Old Testament, or can this happen today?
6. 43:08 {How Could a Million Hear at Once?} How can the entire community of Israel, more than 1 million people, fit together & gather to hear (Leviticus 8:3 , Deuteronomy 29:10 -12, 31:10 -13)?
7. 47:44 {PSA – Contradicting Proverbs?} If Penal Substitutionary Atonement is an accurate doctrine, then isn't it contradicting Proverbs 17:15 ?
8. 53:11 {Encouragement through Arduous Times} What gives people the will to live in the midst of terror, hardship, poverty, pain, childhood abuse, loss, and all other types of calamity (specifically non-Christians, but also Christians)?
9. 58:30 {Garden of Gethsemane: What is The Cup?} In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays for the Father to let the cup pass from Him. I've understood the cup to be God's wrath, but Jesus says a few chapters later that James & John will drink it, too.
10. 1:04:02 {Antichrist: Dead at Christ’s Coming?} Does the Antichrist die or not at Christ's coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8 , Revelation 19:20 )?
Playlist of my videos on Jehovah’s Witnesses: Click Here
Playlist defending Penal Substitutionary Atonement: Click Here
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