Feb 10 2025 13 mins
In this episode I feature student and musician Emilio Vavages (Tohono/Akimel O’odham). I wanted the share the story and experiences of a young person’s perspective about being a student musician, so I decided why not bring in my nephew Emilio. Emilio is thirteen year’s old and a student at Apollo Middle School in the Sunnyside School District. He started taking orchestra in the 4th grade playing the violin and has since then progressed as a musician and is now playing alongside his own father Eligio V. in his family’s band. Emilio also enjoys subjects such as English, Language, and Social Studies, is a participant in a program that teaches students carpentry work, and a part of the Leadership program at his school. With the support of his family Emilio continues to thrive in class getting student of the month in the past several months.
Emilio says his musical influence is inspired from his family, but I say it’s naturally in him as it runs in his blood. His great-grandfather Lester V. Vavages played the violin for decades, as well as the guitar, vihuela, bass, etc. He was a member of the Gu-Achi Fiddlers, who’s music is still alive today by many folks in the fiddle world. Lester passed the music down to his boys, who are Emilio’s grandfather’s, and known are as Thee Express waila band from the Tohono O’odham Nation.
Sherman Institute, CA yearbook 1952. Emilio’s great-grandfather Lester Vavages is pictured holding the guitar.
Picture of Lester V. Vavages, Emilio’s great-grandfather. Photo courtesy of T. Vavages-Andrew.
During Emilio’s musical journey playing his primary instrument the violin, he is a part of the Sunnyside School District Honors Orchestra Program. He is also a part of his family’s band called the Vavages Family Band playing the violin, percussion, and cowbell and has performed live on-air at KXCI Community Radio during the 2024 Sonic Solstice event. With all his success there is still plenty more things he wants to do in life, one thing being a powerlifter. Tune in to this short interview to hear more details!
Photo by Kathleen Dreier Photography
Ep. 38 Student Musician graphic created T. Andrew