Oct 20 2023 37 mins
Yaser Martini, father of five children, shares the heartbreaking story of his daughter, Margot, who passed away from a rare form of leukemia. In the midst of their grief, Yaser and his wife, Vicki, founded Team Margot, a charity dedicated to promoting blood, organ, stem cell, and bone marrow donation. Through their advocacy work, the couple raises awareness and encourages others to register as donors. Yaser's dedication to helping others stems from his personal experience and the challenges his family faced in finding a bone marrow match for Margot. Despite the tragedy, Yaser remains committed to supporting families caring for child cancer patients through grants provided by the charity. His efforts have recently been recognized with a British Empire Medal, although Yaser humbly acknowledges the award while emphasizing that his true reward is making a difference in the lives of others.