May 31 2024 27 mins 1
In this episode, we welcome Dave Martin, Group Head of Animal Welfare at IVC Evidensia. Dave discusses the differences in legislation across the UK and the responsibilities of veterinary professionals when handling and treating an XL Bully. He clarifies that vets are not legally required to police the legislation and explains in detail the legal requirements for keeping XL Bully dogs.
Dave reflects on the impact of the ban on rehoming centres and the welfare of affected dogs, as well as considering whether the ban has truly reduced serious dog attacks, which often occur at home. Practical tips for veterinary teams when handling XL Bully dogs are shared and the importance of risk assessing the individual dog is emphasised. Finally, Dave discusses scenarios involving XL Bully dogs without exemption certificates and when vets should report concerns to the police.
Dave Martin:
Dave graduated from Liverpool in 1997 and has worked in mixed practice in Shropshire and North Wales ever since. He is the Group Head of Animal Welfare for IVC Evidensia and works on a wide range of projects including the IVC Evidensia Care Fund, reducing patient stress whilst visiting practices, building relationships with animal charities and supporting practices dealing with serious animal welfare challenges.
Daniella dos Santos:
Daniella graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2012 having previously obtained a degree in Molecular Genetics from Kings College and has since worked in first opinion small animal and exotic pet practice across the Southeast. In 2019, she became the youngest-ever President of the British Veterinary Association, leading the profession through the height of the pandemic. During her time as President, she was instrumental in the association’s Diversity and Inclusion work, as well as the development and launch of the Good Workplaces Policy. Daniella was the recipient on the RCVS Inspiration Award 2021 for her leadership and became an RCVS Fellow in 2021 for Meritorious Contributions to the Profession. She is a trustee of the animal welfare charity SPANA and the PetPlan Charitable Trust.
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Please note that the views expressed by hosts and guests in this podcast do not necessarily reflect those of IVC Evidensia.
Official government advice on the ban:
IVC Evidensia Care Fund:
IVC Evidensia Welfare contact email: [email protected]