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Sep 09 2023 122 mins  

Today we got another naked old lady horror film to talk about!!! We are covering M.Night Shyamalan's Found-Footage movie The Visit from 2015

Jordan: Dye supposed to go, like, right out of the music into that, but it.

Chris: Will sound like that later on. I spelled a welcome with two L's on accident.

Jordan: Well, welcome.

Chris: All right. Welcome to the Grindhouse Syndicate. I'm your host, a pile of shitty adult diapers. And that's my co host, a wooden shed. And today we're doing another crazy naked old lady movie. M. Night Shyamalan's. The visit from 2015. We got our second naked old crazy lady movie.

Jordan: Yes, we do two or three weeks.

Chris: Yeah, when we do X, like, two weeks ago.

Jordan: Those naked old ladies are fucking creepy, man. I've noticed. Those are big hits. And horror movies actually have that down to talk about. You think about it. What horror movie has had a naked old lady? That wasn't creepy?

Chris: Do a good job with that.

Jordan: The Shining.

Chris: Oh, yeah. The Shining does have a naked creepy old lady in it.

Jordan: Yeah, it's always a big hit.

Chris: It is a big hit. What is?

Jordan: Fuck.

Chris: They don't ever have naked old men, thank God. How do you feel about being the co host of Wooden Shed?

Jordan: I guess I'll take it I'm full of shit. Better be full of shit. Diapers.

Chris: Shitty adult diapers. Yeah, the intro will make sense in, I don't know, 1520 minutes into the plot here. Well, first we'll get on to some news.

Jordan: We don't have a lot of news.

Chris: But we got some news. We'd like to include something to keep you in the know. So the Texas Chainsaw Massacre video game just dropped a couple of days ago, actually. And it is for the PC, the PS four, the PS five, all the PS's and the Xbox. It has an average score of a six out of ten. And get this, Kane Hotter did the motion capture for Leatherface and Grandpa in the game.

Jordan: Nice.

Chris: Did you know that?

Jordan: I did not know that.

Chris: I just found that out today.

Jordan: I'll check that out.

Chris: Yeah, I've been kind of keeping track of it because I want to play it. It's real similar to the Friday the 13th game. The difference being, instead of in the Friday 13th, it was just one killer being Jason, and, like, five, everyone else just played as the people trying to escape. In this, you play one person plays Leatherface, and then there's two of his family members. So you got, like, three killers and, like, four or five victims. I believe there's, like, three maps, which is, like, the House, the Butcher, the Butcher Factory, whatever that's called. And then there's like a third map. I can't think of what it is, but I've been kind of keeping track of it because I want to play it. It's got its bugs. It's got its issues. It just came out. Overall, it's pretty good. People are enjoying it. People like it.

Jordan: Everything has its bugs when they first come out now.

Chris: Yeah, especially anything on the Internet that relies on the internet.

Jordan: Yeah. It's weird thinking back when we were kids, the game came out and that was the game.

Chris: That was it.

Jordan: Now it's just there's so many bugs when something first comes out that being able to update the game is huge. I'm sure for developers.

Chris: Yeah, I'm sure that they're going to go in in the coming weeks or coming months to kind of work all this stuff out. All the bugs that I heard about it is pretty much internet related. It's all internet stuff. It's like games suddenly crashing or your character will freeze in a game and then you get kind of booted out from the game, like in the middle of it. Just stuff like that. Just standard internet shit.

Jordan: Never get as bad as warzone. It will not.

Chris: Yeah, that game's always got problems. But yeah, I like the whole Kane otter thing. I think that's super cool. So the Grandpa in the know, he's the Grandpa from the doesn't he doesn't do anything. They said he did the motion capture for the Grandpa, and as far as I know, all the scenes of the Grandpa. So one of the objective for the killers is every time they kill one of the other gamers, the victims, they take a little bit of their blood and they run it over to Grandpa, who's just stationary in a chair. He's not played by anybody. And you give him some of the blood. And as you give Grandpa the blood, you as a killer because each killer has a special and that special gets stronger. So that's like an incentive to give him the blood. How that is connected, I don't know, but it's a game.

Jordan: Well, I'm glad to hear that somebody has not happened to play Grandpa, because that was my first thought. Like, damn, that sucks for the guy who gets picked to play Grandpa.

Chris: Well, what did Kane Hodder do for the motion capture? Just sit in a chair, probably.

Jordan: He's already here, but I'll take it anything Kane Hodder does is normally pretty good.

Chris: I did see, though, that so Kane Hodder actually did play Leatherface in the third movie, actually a long time ago. He was a stunt guy for the third one. So that is, I guess, one of the reasons they kind of picked him to do it. He had played Leatherface in real life before. Didn't know. That news to me. Another thing was The Nun two received its R rating for violence and disturbing bloody images. It has released three short TV teaser trailers and it hits theaters September eigth coming up quick. Yeah, I know. There's a lot of big Nun fans out there. Yes, she is very creepy. Very interesting character. Big time. For the what franchise?

Jordan: The Conjuring. Conjuring. Wait, we actually have a painting? The painting from the conjuring. Dude, the Nun hanging up in my living room.

Chris: I would say she's the most popular from that franchise. Yeah, from what I understand. I'm not, like, a huge fan of it, but it seems like if you were to pick one image to represent that franchise, I think it'd be her. I don't know. The Annabelle is really popular, too, though. But I think maybe the nun might be more might be more popular.

Jordan: Yeah. So I guess they take place in the same like, they're the same, the Annabelles and the conjuring, but they're also kind of separate. The conjurings are at least based off of the actual cases, whereas the Annabelles are just made up stories that kind of separates them for me.

Chris: Yeah. So we did go and finally see Talk to Me. We won't get into a lot of it because we want to do something separate for it. But we will say, great movie. Phenomenal movie. One of my favorite movies, I think, for this year. Go see it.

Jordan: Yes, absolutely. Definitely go see that. That is a fantastic movie.

Chris: I will say a little bit of news with that movie was I guess the movie got banned in Kuwait. I guess one of the actors in the movie in real life is a trans person. We've seen the movie. Them being trans is not part of the movie. It's not part of the plot. But I guess they're trans in real life. And the government of Kuwait did not want to promote that. So they banned the whole entire movie for the whole entire country.

Jordan: It's insane. Their government actually sat down and that was a whole thing. Yeah.

Chris: It's not in the movie. It's not in the movie at all. So this actor did comment on it, I think, today or yesterday, and they were like, well, it's not even part of the movie. So we didn't think it would be a big deal. I would agree. It's not even then the plot's not mentioned. It's not even said one time in the movie. And sorry for the people of Kuwait. I guess you'll have to get on one of those illegal sites and watch it or something.

Jordan: Yeah, that sucks.

Chris: It does suck.

Jordan: It's a good movie, though. I actually can't wait for that movie. I know we're going to do a short episode on it, but I can't wait for that one to come out and do actually a full episode on it.

Chris: They have already released a steel book set for it, and it is $109. And it comes with the actual hand.

Jordan: Okay, well, that makes the 109 a little more worth. It depends on how I have to see a review on it, though. Is it like shitty plastic?

Chris: No, it's a big book. It comes with, like three or four discs. It comes with the actual hand.

Jordan: I mean, the hand is the hand like shitty plastic? Yeah.

Chris: I don't know. It's a big hand.

Jordan: That's much better than the Terrifyer two steel book that they got me on that I ordered. Because most of the steel books have like really cool artwork. And then I got Terrifyer Two in and it was just the same exact artwork.

Chris: This hand that comes with this is molded from the hand from the movie. It comes blank. It doesn't have anything written on. It comes a little marker for you to kind of write. It says for you. I guess what's written on the hand is a bunch of victims names, which I didn't really catch in the movie. But, yeah, it's for you to kind of write your own friends and family's names all over the hand.

Jordan: That's pretty cool.

Chris: But yeah, it's a whole entire set. It's not just the movies. It's like a bunch of shit from the movie. But yeah, I think there's only like 5000 of them made and they just kind of released it to purchase or preorder or something like that. But I thought that was real cool.

Jordan: Yeah, that is real cool.

Chris: But let's talk about the visit. So I hadn't seen The Visit since I think I bought it when it first came out. I want to say I think I've seen it, like 2016. I didn't see it in theaters. I know that I went and got it on DVD because I had heard he had made a pretty good movie. I know he had some not good movies before that, and I heard it was pretty good, so I went out and I got it on DVD. And I think this was 2016, if I remember right. And I hadn't really watched it since. And I had actually forgot that it was a found footage movie.

Jordan: That's the first thing I have in my note. I watched it four years ago and for some reason, when I think back on it, so I know that there was some found footage in it, but I forgot the whole thing. It's actually a found footage movie.

Chris: Yeah. If somebody would have, I don't know, quizzed me or something and said, did M. Night ever make a found footage movie? I'd have said, no, I got that wrong and I have it. I own it.

Jordan: Yeah, when I think of found footage movies, it's just not one that comes to mind. It will now, but it just wasn't one that would have came to mind.

Chris: Yeah, totally. Just I don't know, man. I just based on it being a found footage movie, I don't know. I don't know why I don't remember that it's a found footage movie. Yeah, first thing on the notes. I just don't know why I don't remember. It doesn't have that found footage feel that a lot of those movies have, though. I don't know what it is. I can't really pinpoint it.

Jordan: Yeah, I agree.

Chris: I think maybe I'm going to take a guess and think maybe that is because in this movie you have two characters and they both have cameras. So there are times in this movie where we're getting two different because they'll be in two separate places, doing two separate things, experiencing two separate events. And we're getting those cameras from and that's that normally of a found footage movie. Found footage movie is normally kind of the same person behind the camera with the same people in front of the camera and continuous.

Jordan: Yeah. I don't know. I think it might be that the first half of this movie has a lot of not so serious moments, too. It just doesn't feel like a found footage horror that you would normally think of that would come to mind. But there is some moments that are really like there's a specific moment we'll get into in the plot that was 100% Paranormal Activity vibes.

Chris: I mean, it's definitely a found footage movie. It just, for some reason, just I don't know, it has a slightly different vibe than every other found footage movie I've seen.

Jordan: I think the last quarter of it definitely feels like a found footage movie. The first three quarters, two thirds, something like that, maybe not so much.

Chris: But yeah. So The Visit is an American found footage horror film written, co produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. And it is starring olivia DeLange, Ed Oxenbold, Dina Dungan and Peter McRobbie. So the film centers around two young siblings, teenage girl Becca and her younger brother Tyler, who go to stay for a week with their estranged grandparents. During their stay, the siblings notice that their grandparents behaving bizarrely, and they set out to find the truth behind the strange circumstances at the family farm. This movie was released on September 11, 2015 by Universal Pictures. It had a $5 million budget and it grossed $98.5 million worldwide, made 25.4 million on its opening weekend, and it received mixed to positive reviews from critics.

Jordan: That's a good return, I'll take it. I know I probably say that every week you go for what they made, but that's pretty good. I wouldn't have thought it made that much.

Chris: Yeah, it turned 5 million into almost $100 million. That's a big deal. After his previous two films failed, shyamalan funded The Visit by borrowing the $5 million against his own home. Filming began on February 19, 2014, under the original title, Sundowning. So, yeah, he funded the movie himself, turned around, and it made almost $100 million.

Jordan: Yeah, I've seen him and Jason Blum were the main producers on it.

Chris: Yeah. So I didn't really include a whole lot of that stuff in there. But Jason Blum came in way later. M. Night Shyamalan actually did this movie by himself. And then once he made the movie, he shopped it around and nobody wanted it. He actually kind of freaked out that he was going to lose the 5 million because he couldn't get anybody to get it. He did multiple cuts of this movie trying to get maybe a different cut somebody would want. He actually even wrote down he kept track of all the executives that turned him down.

Jordan: I wonder if Blumhouse were the ones who primarily did distribution on it since they didn't have a whole lot in the actual producing of the movie. I wonder if they did distribution for it.

Chris: Yeah, I can't quite remember. But I do know that he pretty much did it himself. Even the normal people that had been working with him through all of his films, he didn't really use any of those people. He pretty much stated that he wanted this to be a real small thing. And he wanted this to kind of be like a start over for him because he had gotten so used to getting these big budget movies, these big budget actors. And he would just sell these movies. Like these movie companies were just shelling out money to him. And then all of a sudden they just weren't doing well. And he wanted to just do something completely different.

Jordan: Well, good for him. He succeeded for $5 million. This is a great movie. $5 million.

Chris: We'll talk about later on. At the end, we'll talk about why he did that. Because some people have a much different there's like a much different idea of why he did this. And we'll talk about later on his actual reason of why he did this. Because it's not what everyone thinks it is.

Jordan: Does everybody think he was just going broke? Yes. That's the first thing that comes to mind.

Chris: Yeah, he was a failure. And he went from making these huge, big budget movies. They had failed. And essentially everyone was like, well, no one would fund him anymore. And he had to basically borrow this $5 million against his house and fund the movie himself. And basically this was his last shot. And that's not at all what happened. But we'll talk about that later on. But yeah. So ratings, Rotten Tomato gave us a 68%, INDB gave it a 6.2 out of ten, and Letterbox gave it a three out of five stars. It was all right.

Jordan: It ain't bad.

Chris: Yeah, I kind of think it's a.

Jordan: Little low for me.

Chris: All those sit pretty well with me. That's a little insight into what's come later, then, I guess. Sayo you want to jump into the plot?

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: All right. So my very first note was before I even started the movie, which has never happened to me before, never wrote anything before I even hit play. This has actually happened before I even put the movie in. So the COVID of the movie is hilarious. It says what Jaws did for sharks and Psycho did for showers. The visit will do for grandparents.

Jordan: Was that from a critic?

Chris: No, it's a sticker or something on the fucking cover. It's not in here.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: After this episode, go look at it. And I'm like, so this is going to make everyone scared of their grandparents?

Jordan: If you never met your grandparents, it might.

Chris: Who the fuck approved that?

Jordan: If you're going to spend time with your grandparents that you've never seen or met. Do not watch this movie the night before.

Chris: This very unique situation that rarely happens to anybody. This movie will freak you out.

Jordan: It rarely happens to anybody, but it has happened to somebody.

Chris: Just thought that was just so weird to put on the COVID Yeah, I.

Jordan: Know how some movies put, like, critiques and critics whenever they get, like, good rating.

Chris: Yeah, it wasn't a quote.

Jordan: That's weird. I would have to be a quote.

Chris: I would have put it down if somebody had put it as a quote. No, this is just like a statement that they put along with the movie. Yeah, it's printed on the COVID from what I remember.

Jordan: Outside of that, I don't remember that. But I do like the COVID The aesthetic of the COVID looks really cool.

Chris: Yes. I bet you that this is on the movie poster. I bet you the movie poster says this.

Jordan: Yeah, I hope not.

Chris: I bet you it does. Nobody probably ever reads that.

Jordan: They only had five.

Chris: It's next to, like, the rocking chair.

Jordan: They only have 5 million. They couldn't pay for a really good quote.

Chris: I don't know if it's supposed to be funny.

Jordan: Well, that's one thing about this movie. The first half, three quarters does have a very comedic feel with some creepy parts.

Chris: Oh, we're going to talk about that.

Jordan: Yeah, we're going to talk about that. That's not my favorite part of the movie, that's for sure. We'll just say that.

Chris: Well, that comes into play a little later. But anyway, so the plot of this movie so the movie starts off with Loretta Jameson giving a documentary style interview about how she fell in love with her English teacher after high school and they wanted to run off and get married. And her parents strongly disagreed with this decision, which yeah, no shit. That's kind of weird. Doesn't really say they were ever, like, fooling around while she was in high school, but I would assume probably were.

Jordan: Yeah, there was some illegal shit happening there. Yeah.

Chris: I mean, there's more of this story than what's? But but anyway, so this ends up leading to a big fight between her and her parents to which Loretta refuses to disclose the details of what occurred that day. And this ultimately leads to her and her parents never speaking again. I believe she says it's 15 years they haven't spoken. And Loretta explains that her and this teacher had two children together and they were married for ten years. And then suddenly he meets someone else and he leaves her and the children behind and severs all contact with all three of them. And so very recently, Loretta's parents reached out to her via the Internet and asked if they could meet their grandchildren and have them stay a week at the family farm where Loretta grew up. And she originally doesn't like this idea, but the children pretty much tell her that they're going to go anyway. They're going to do it. I guess they're going to run away. They don't really stay, but she doesn't want to let them go. And she ends up having to let them go anyway. So she does do some background check, though, on her parents and sees that they're like counselors and they got their shit together and they still live where she grew up. And I guess she feels fairly safe letting them go. And she's up for it.

Jordan: She's like, this is going to be a perfect time for me to take a yeah, yeah.

Chris: She's got her new boyfriend, too, so they're gonna take a cruise together. But Loretta's daughter, Becca, she is making a documentary on the whole situation. And she thinks that she can kind of mend the relationship between her and her Loretta, her mom, and her grandparents, her mother's parents. So the two kids, they board a train and they head off to meet their grandparents for the first time ever. And while on the train, we are introduced to T Diamond Stylist.

Jordan: God damn it, I hate.

Chris: I may mess up and call him T Diamond Styles because when I was typing this, the computer kept autocorrecting it to Styles. Because I agree, Stylist is like a title. Maybe not a name, but yeah, T Diamond Stylist. I turned the captions on and read it to make sure that that is what they were saying. That is his name, T Diamond Stylist. And that is Tyler's rap persona.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: And we get a little taste of his rap while we're on the train.

Jordan: The worst, by far the worst part of this movie.

Chris: All the women love him. That is what he raps about.

Jordan: I will reference this probably a couple of times, but I fucking hate this kid. This is where a majority of the comedy that I feel like is not needed, that bring the rating down, come from this kid, but just the character. I just fucking hate it. It is so cringey.

Chris: It is very cringe.

Jordan: Like, my eyes almost water watching it. It's so fucking cringey. Yeah.

Chris: Not a great part of the movie. And it pops back up quite a few times in here. But this is our first taste of T Diamond styles. Stylist. T diamond stylist.

Jordan: Who fucking cares?

Chris: But anyway, so Becca and T Diamond, they meet their grandparents at the train station, and they will refer to them and we will refer to them through the rest of this as Nana and Pop.

Jordan: Yeah, I went back and forth. I just went with Grandma and Grandpa for half my notes. And then I'm like, nobody's going to get that.

Chris: Nana and Pop typing it out. What's? Way shorter than Grandma and Grandpa.

Jordan: Well, I just put GPA.

Chris: So they all head to the farm and they become a little more acquainted with each other, where Becca pretty much tells him about her documentary and T. Diamond raps about receiving a lot of sexual attention from women. And pineapple upside down is they they.

Jordan: Tell him to rap. He's like, pick anything I'll rap about. They pick pineapple upside down cake. And he raps about women the entire time. This kid's like fucking 10, 12, 13. Well, according to the plot close enough. Yeah, it's like 13. He just met his grandparents for the first time in his life and he's doing a rap about women and stuff that 13 year olds clearly aren't doing. And then they wanted to rap about pineapple upside down cake and it is the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. And he just ends it with the word pineapple upside down cake. And it didn't even make sense. I'm going to end my rant there. This kid sucks. I mean, he sucks.

Chris: Yeah. So he gets a fist bump from pop up, doesn't he?

Jordan: I don't know, I was too busy thinking about how much I want to kick this kid's face on.

Chris: Well, anyway, so later on, pop up informs them that they're old and they go to bed at 930. And hey, by the way, don't leave the room after 930 and stay out of the basement because there's a mold problem down there. So we have hit our first red flag. Anytime someone says, hey, don't leave your room after this time and don't go into this whole entire section of the house, you should be worried.

Jordan: Yeah, so far they seem like typical old people. So the 930 thing, not really surprising. Like old school, their generation and their old people. But yeah, I did take note of the basement. Like, anytime somebody tells you to stay out of the basement or to stay out of a certain room, you remember some stupid excuse, you should probably have your guard up.

Chris: I don't know. You remember when we were kids, though? We had a certain family member we would visit every now and then they tell us not to go into the basement.

Jordan: The basement monster.

Chris: That was what it was.

Jordan: Yeah, it was the basement monster. I was good bit. I was younger than you.

Chris: The reality was they were like, you don't live here and we don't want you fucking with our stuff.

Jordan: I was probably like four and five then and I was petrified of the basement monster. Somebody went down there and even pretended to be a basement. I started banging on stuff one time. Maybe they were hiding bodies.

Chris: Well, the difference was they weren't like, hey, there's some mold. Don't go down there. They were like, there's some shit that'll kill you down there. This is different. But the two discover that there is no cell signal on the farm, but they do have internet access in the kitchen via an ethernet cable that they can connect to the laptop.

Jordan: Man, those new ethernet cables, they got.

Chris: What, a time 2015. And the only connection with the outside world you have is probably just a regular telephone and a very long Ethernet cable in the kitchen.

Jordan: And these old people probably thought they had the new shit. They were like, we just got those Ethernet cables last year.

Chris: So they video chat with Loretta and assure her that everything's going great and that she should enjoy her cruise vacation with her boyfriend. And I just want to point out that Skype in 2015 or in 2023 has never fucking looked or worked that good ever.

Jordan: Absolutely not.

Chris: Not even almost like a YouTube video doesn't even play that damn smooth. Like, that thing was perfect. It was perfect.

Jordan: It must have the good Ethernet, I guess.

Chris: But yeah, all the Skype scenes, I'm like, yeah, get out of here, man. You guys could have made that a little more realistic. At least made it kind of shitty.

Jordan: $5 million budget, man. They didn't have the money to go in and make it look shitty.

Chris: Skype must have paid him. Like, don't make our stuff look bad. But later that night, Becca gets hungry for some homemade cookies, and she decides to break the coming out of the room rule. And she starts to venture down the stairs into the dark. And this is where we see Nana sleepwalking while projectile vomiting.

Jordan: Yeah. What the fuck is this? If I seen this, I would be like, we need to call 911. I like it. Yeah, I will give it to him. And that's one thing that's going to be a reoccurring theme in this movie that makes it really good, is the creepy scenes are creepy fantastic. And that's what makes this movie what it is. For me, this was the first one that was really like, holy shit. Like, you're looking down a stairwell in the dark, and you got this old lady you just met in a nightgown just projectile vomiting over and over again.

Chris: Yeah, because I didn't really remember a whole lot from this movie. I feel like I just remembered her just kind of, like walking around being weird or banging on the walls or something. And then when I seen her down there and just start spewing, I was like, oh, okay, this is great. I like where this is going. But the next morning, Becca asks Pop Pop about the incident, and he kind of shrugs it off as a 24 hours stomach bug.

Jordan: Just gets sick sometimes. That was his exact quote.

Chris: But later on in the day, the kids decide to play a game of hide and seek underneath the house like their mom used to do. So this is funny. When they go to start the game, becca calls Tyler her ethnically confused friend.

Jordan: Did you catch fucking hilarious. That's funny.

Chris: I was like, oh, so white people can't, like, rap? White people can't do rap music. That was saying.

Jordan: Well, if you based it off of him no, they can't.

Chris: He shouldn't. But.

Jordan: My question. Is who the fuck plays hide and go seek under a house?

Chris: Well, you can't stand up, so I'd think that would suck. But whatever.

Jordan: Yeah, that would be terrible.

Chris: So Nana surprises them by joining the game unannounced and being creepy as fuck. That's all I wrote about it. I don't know how else to describe it.

Jordan: Yeah, creepy as fuck there is.

Chris: I mean, creepy as in the daylight. Creepy as fuck. That's hard to do.

Jordan: Yeah. They're under the house and she's like chasing Becca. And you see a unfocused shot of her crawling behind her, of Nana crawling behind her. Thought that was as far as the cinematography goes. That was a fantastic shot. Her unfocused in the background crawling. Yeah.

Chris: Because they don't really know that she's down there with them at first. And they're kind of like listening for each other and looking out for each other. And she's got this creepy silent spider crawly shit going on. And then she'll do this crazy witch laugh thing behind them. Oh, man. It's good.

Jordan: I would be absolutely petrified.

Chris: Yeah, it's good stuff.

Jordan: And then we get the first glimpse of Nana's ass cheek.

Chris: Oh, yeah. When she comes out, her dress is ripped in the back and she's somehow not aware of it.

Jordan: Yeah. She does all this creepy stuff and then just pops up. And she's like, I'm going to bake a pot pie. And then turns around and walks in with her ass cheek hanging out. Yeah.

Chris: And the kids are kind of like, well, I don't know. Is this weird or is this not weird? We don't really know because we don't really know these people.

Jordan: Now that's weird. Any grandparents that crawl and laugh like that? I guess as under.

Chris: You don't know that though. You don't really know people. Haven't been alive that long.

Jordan: If at 13 I was under the house and grandma started spider crawling at me, laughing like that, I would be like, something is terribly wrong here. Yeah.

Chris: So after this, there's kind of a middle aged man. He kind of stops by the house and he's looking for Nana and pop up. He claims to work at the hospital they volunteer at. And they haven't shown up in a few days. And he kind of has a big news that he wants to tell him about that happened at the hospital. He said he'll stop by again another time. And he heads out, I guess. I don't remember why they weren't there. They weren't there at that time.

Jordan: They were walking. They were taking a walk or something.

Chris: Well, there's another time later on, somebody else stops by and they're taking a walk then too.

Jordan: Yeah, they do walk. Some people come by apparently. But this ends up kind of a hint.

Chris: That's why I included it's. A little bit of a hint.

Jordan: Yeah. This is one of the couple that are this movie does so great at making these really subtle.

Chris: But yeah, so during the past few days, tyler has been noticing Pop Pop making short trips to this small shed on the property. And he decides to take the extra camera and sneak into the shed and see what Pop Pop is keeping in there. And a few minutes after Pop Pop leaves the shed, tyler goes inside. And what he is anticipating is seeing a dead body. Think he says that he's looking for something creepy, thinks something's up in there.

Jordan: He should have checked the basement.

Chris: And instead he finds a very big pile of adult shitty diapers.

Jordan: A very big pile is an understatement. When I seen that, it was like, pile the amount of flies that would have been in that pile of shitty diapers. He walks in. He's like, it smells like ass in here. And then turns, I would say the biggest pile of shitty diapers you ever seen.

Chris: Well, he holds that one up, and there's like a lot of shit in that one diaper.

Jordan: It is a full on shit.

Chris: I think that's like three full on shits that was probably front and back of that diaper is covered in shit.

Jordan: It's probably a good 100 and 5200 pounds of just shit diapers. Anybody who's had kids knows how heavy those diapers get. You're talking about for adults, it was really fucking weird.

Chris: It's a big pile. That's all I got to really say about it's. A big fucking pile of shit diapers. And obviously, adult diapers are bigger than child diapers. So it's just a lot. It's a lot. He freaks out. He runs out. Nana kind of catches him out there, but she explains to him that pop up shits himself. She doesn't say shit himself, but essentially.

Jordan: He has accidents and he hides them in the shed.

Chris: Yeah, he's embarrassed about it. And he hides them in the shed. And what she guesses is he burns them in the field.

Jordan: Yeah. For the circumstances, I guess that's the best thing you could come up with. Because he just has accidents and he tries to hide him in the shed. I guess that in that situation, I'd be like, okay, that kind of makes sense. That's still really weird.

Chris: Well, they do a really good job of kind of bullshitting, these two, for quite some time.

Jordan: They do. Yeah.

Chris: I'm not going to lie.

Jordan: You spend this whole movie really or the first half of it, first half thinking, just getting bullshitted. Are they just some old people who are just getting old and have some old people shit going on? Like shitting yourself.

Chris: Yeah. So later that night, Becca and Tyler both hear some scratching sounds out in the hallway. And it's after 930. Keep in mind it's after 930. And they get freaked out and decide to open the door to see what it is. Tyler opens the door to find Nana naked in the hallway, scratching at the wall.

Jordan: Yes. Also another one really creepy fucking scene. Oh, man.

Chris: She's her versus Pearl naked grandma fight.

Jordan: Telling you, it's always a hit.

Chris: Pearl is fucking vicious.

Jordan: I did think about X, but X was a little different because there's old people sex. But just any naked old women is just old people in general. I won't just say just women. I don't want to be sexist any naked old people, period. It's really fucked up in that scene before that, too. Another really weird scene at the school where he attacks that guy that's kind of like a foreshadowing of some mental illness and some paranoia. Yeah.

Chris: They go out into the town and he claims that some random guy is following them. And he just kind of he beats.

Jordan: This young guy's ass, though. He throws him to the ground.

Chris: He's like, are you going to tell people? I shit myself. He knows what I've been keeping in that shed.

Jordan: Somebody was in my shed. I know it my shed.

Chris: And it was that son of a bitch right there. I know it. But the next day, Becca asks Pop Pop about the situation, and he decides to tell her the truth. Well, he says he's going to tell her the truth. He tells her that Nana has a syndrome called Sundowning, which causes her to have a severe form of dementia kick in at nighttime. And pretty much once it's past 930, she loses her fucking mind, I guess, is a better way to explain it.

Jordan: Yeah, that's pretty accurate.

Chris: But while he's explaining this to her, becca realizes that Pop is having problems with his mind as well, and he may be suffering with some form of a mental issue as well.

Jordan: He's like, dressing for this party.

Chris: He's getting dressed for a dinner party.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: In the middle of the afternoon.

Jordan: He realizes what he's doing. It's at this point in the movie where you're like, okay, they're fucked up. Yeah. There's some more than just regular old people stuff going on here at this.

Chris: Point in the movie. The first time I watched it, I definitely didn't expect what ends up happening. But at this point, I'm thinking, okay, well, they're crazy. They've lost their mind, and they are going to eventually try to kill these kids. I just didn't expect it. That twist at the very end, why they actually tried to kill these kids.

Jordan: Yeah, the ending, it's fantastic in this movie. But yeah, the first time you watch it, they do a really good job of leaving subtle hints. This is their mom's parents, who you've never met. She has a bad relationship with them. I mean, a lot could happen in 15 years. You don't know if those are good or bad people, but it's very clear that they have some good or bad. They have some serious mental issues at this point in the movie. Yeah.

Chris: One great thing is, I think I told you last night after I finished the movie, was I obviously remembered this twist ending for this movie. But there was this really important part of that plot that I had completely forgotten. And when I watched it last night, I was like, oh, shit. That part of it surprised me as well. And we'll get to that here in a little bit. But I had totally I don't know if I missed it the first time I watched it or if I just didn't remember it.

Jordan: But, yeah, I'm pretty sure. So the same exact thing happened to me. So when we get there, I'm pretty.

Chris: Sure it's going to be probably the same thing.

Jordan: But I even went back and watched a couple scenes.

Chris: Yeah, it's terrified, but it makes the story even more interesting. Becca tries to get Nana to do an interview for her documentary, but she refuses at first, instead asking Becca to climb inside the oven to clean it, which is weird. And she does this it excites. Like, she gets in this apparently very big oven. Like, you got to have a big.

Jordan: Fucking biggest fucking oven.

Chris: You get a whole entire person inside of it and close the fucking door.

Jordan: But this is like an oven you would see in, like, a big ass restaurant. I would imagine it's the biggest oven. What is she, like 1516 years old? She climbs all the way inside.

Chris: It seems like some room to spare.

Jordan: Yeah. I don't remember if it's this or later on in the movie, but this is one thing I do remember. When this movie was coming out, this was a major part of the previews that they showed was I think it's this one, her trying to convince her to get an oven at this point, based off the previews, you know, they're up to no good at this point. I remember that scene sticking with me.

Chris: Grettel thing.

Jordan: Yes. Which made me really want to go watch this movie.

Chris: But yeah, for some reason, this gets her real excited. Don't really know why, but she's like, after this, she's like, yeah, I'll do the interview. So she goes to do the interview. But pretty much at the beginning of the interview, she tries to ask her kind of what happened with her and her mom. And this causes her to have this mental breakdown. And she freaks out. And they have to kind of give up on the interview.

Jordan: What's up with this really weird shot of her smoking right before that.

Chris: Kind of sexual?

Jordan: Yeah. Looks like she's smoking a cigarette. Like she's about to get some pipe laid.

Chris: I thought Pop had the camera. Yeah, maybe he was holding the camera, walking up to her.

Jordan: And I was like, I'm glad that.

Chris: Oh, this is fucking weird. And then when she starts talking to her and you realize it's Becca with the camera, I was like, what the fuck is this?

Jordan: Yeah, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that totally the sexual. Yeah, I just wanted to throw that in there because I wanted to know what you thought about that because it seemed very sexual to me, too. It's like this old lady is like smoking the cigarette. Like she's about to get some pipe laid or something. Or they just had sex or something and don't get it. It's just a really random scene that doesn't count for anything. It's very out of place, just a.

Chris: Strange but then we jump to kind of Tyler and Becca. They're interviewing each other outside for the documentary. And this is where we learn that they both have very opposing opinions on their fathers abandoning them. And Tyler's view is more optimistic and Becca's is definitely more negative. Tyler tells the story about how he was playing football as a child, and he kind of just froze up. He freezes up when he gets afraid. And his dad was kind of the only one that didn't never really judged him about this incident where he kind of froze up. And this story kind of comes into play later on. It's not really understood why he's telling this story. At the know, Becca kind of talks about how it negatively affects her, and you see it really fucks up her self esteem.

Jordan: Yeah, and he ends up saying some really fucked up stuff, too. I didn't really get that either, why he breaks his sister down when it's his turn. But the scene before this is another really creepy scene. I'm bringing it up because this is the one I referenced that had that Paranormal Activity feel. So it's when they hide the camera downstairs so they can see what she's doing at night.

Chris: Oh, I didn't think we'd gotten there yet.

Jordan: Yes, it's right before the scene where they interview each other. So I assume you're about to hit that. But I'll just comment on it's. A super creepy scene. But the initial where she's walking and she starts slamming the door, it is very Paranormal Activity.

Chris: I see it. It's coming up.

Jordan: Literally feels like it is a shot straight out of Paranormal Activity. Definitely a strong found footage feel on that one. And a super creepy scene. Yeah.

Chris: So the next morning, Becca interviews Pop Pot for the documentary. And this is where he starts to tell her about how he had a really good job at a factory, but he was eventually fired because he kept seeing a white figure with yellow eyes that followed him around. He would tell others about it, but no one else could see it. And he has seen it recently at the farm. And he tells Becca that soon she will be able to see it.

Jordan: And that's not a good sign.

Chris: Definitely. This is some not good, like, schizophrenia shit. That's what I would be thinking. I'm like, this fucking dude is going to kill us all in our sleep. That's what I would think.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: This is not good.

Jordan: This is the point where you should have been like, all right, we need to get out of here.

Chris: Yeah.

Jordan: There's some serious shit obviously going on with Nana, like turning fucking crazy at night. And then you got somebody who basically tells you, like, he's seeing dead people. And you're going to be to see it soon too.

Chris: Well, by this age, when I was her age, I had already read The Amityville Horror where the original guy had murdered his whole family because of the pig with the red eyes told to do it or what. And then, yeah, as soon as I.

Jordan: Would have heard that at her age.

Chris: I'd have been like, nope, getting the fuck out of like, I already know what's going to happen. But yeah. So Tyler wants to set up a camera in the living room to record throughout the night. But Becca believes that this is unethical. And she thinks that her grandparents are just experiencing signs of early onset schizophrenia. We also get a short scene of a character named Stacey coming over to thank Nana and Pop Pop for their help at she's in, like, a rehab hospital, and they volunteer there. And they kind of helped her out. And she just stops by to kind of talk to them about big news at the hospital, something that had happened. And she's got blueberry cobbler. But Becca informs her that they just went on another walk. Good timing. And Stacey says she'll come back another time. Nana informs the kids that she accidentally spilt some batter on Becca's laptop camera. And she tried to clean it with some cooking spray, which makes no sense.

Jordan: Which is essentially oven cleaner.

Chris: It was an oven know, something like that.

Jordan: Slick move.

Chris: Pretty much.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: Just some kind of like, greasy type stuff. But it ends up leaving the kids with audio but no video on their laptop. So whenever they Skype their mom, the mom can't see. And that makes sense later on, later on in the story. So I guess they could kind of call her on the computer. But they can't see. They can see her. She can't see them.

Jordan: Yeah. And at this point in the movie when it happens, you're like, that's kind of weird. But you don't realize the first time watching it that it's deliberate. It really ends up being very slick. You find out later on why.

Chris: Well, so when I was rewatching it when I was originally writing the notes, I didn't catch this the first time. But on the very second day, the morning of the second day, they're there. Like, they get there the first day, and then they go to sleep that night. That's the night she throws up. And then the very next morning, the first morning they're there. There's a scene where Becca comes downstairs and Tyler's sitting there talking to Nana with the laptop in front of him. And this is where he's explaining to her where the camera is on the laptop. And this is where he's telling her about his stupid ass YouTube channel. And he's like, Tyler the creator. She them being old people had no fucking idea that this laptop had a camera on it until his dumb ass told her that. And that the very next day is when she the next morning is when she was like, oh, we got to fuck that camera up or we're eventually going to get caught. Yeah. And I didn't catch that.

Jordan: I didn't catch that.

Chris: I didn't catch that until I rewatched it.

Jordan: That's interesting.

Chris: I wrote these notes. Yeah, totally. Just that scene just flew right over me the first couple of times I watched this movie.

Jordan: Yeah, that makes sense. Because they probably didn't even know laptops had cameras.

Chris: No, you can tell by the look on her face that she's like, wait, what? This has a camera?

Jordan: Yeah. I didn't catch that. That is interesting.

Chris: But yeah. So that night at 1016, they start hearing noises. They're kind of on guard now, so they're like soon as they hear noises, they look at the clock. They got the camera ready. So it's 1016, they start hearing noises outside their door and they decide to investigate it. And I just want to point out that Teen Diamond Stylist wears PJ sets to that.

Jordan: And all the ladies love it. All the ladies love according to them.

Chris: They like, them pajama sets. Gets you sexier than a Pajama set from Target.

Jordan: Have to bust out the old Power Rangers Pajama set. That blood, apparently.

Chris: So Becca opens the door and sees Nana running past with both arms behind her back, rushing past them in both directions. And then suddenly quickly crawling towards them. And then they kind of slam the door shut real quick and lock it. I would have had the same reaction. Like, I would have said, what the fuck? But that's just me. That would have freaked me out. That would have 100% freaked me out.

Jordan: Yeah. This is another one of those fantastic, really creepy scenes that are spread throughout the first part of the movie where the movie is not really scary, doing a lot of character building and setting up the story. But these couple of scenes that they throw in there is really creepy.

Chris: Every creepy ass fucking thing that she does after 930 is scary. It is everything she does. If I was in their boat, I would be dreading 930 all day. Because it's like, what creepy shit is going to happen tonight?

Jordan: Yeah, this stuff wakes them up. I wouldn't be going to sleep because this seems like everything right around 1015, between 1015 and 1045, everything always starts going down the couple of times they show the clock. There ain't no way in hell I'm falling asleep after a couple of times of this happening. And I'll reference this later on, but the lady who plays Nana is the best person in this movie. She is the best actress in this movie. In my opinion. Yeah, she's great. Fantastic. She does this part better than probably anybody else I could think of.

Chris: Yeah. M night Shyamalan Actually, this was his favorite actress. The favorite actor in this movie. He said that when he seen her audition tape because he set out to really only cast unknowns in this movie. And when he was looking for people and he said he had seen her tape. He watched it one time, and then he knew she was the person and he was the one that he gave her the most credit of. Like, she's an amazing person.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: Actor.

Jordan: I agree. She made this movie. Was she known? Okay.

Chris: No, I'll mention a little something about her later on.

Jordan: Yeah, she's amazing. The creepy parts are amazing. Even in the parts where she has to get upset and pretend like somebody with mental illness is getting upset about. I don't think anybody could have did this part better than she could have.

Chris: No. The only famous actor in this whole entire movie is the mom. Everyone else were all unknown. The the next morning we see that all four of them have decided to go on a walk on a trail in the woods. And the grandparents, they get a little further ahead on the trail. And Tyler begins to mimic Nana's running with her arms behind her back from the night before while Becca films him. I'm going to tell you, this is my favorite part of the movie. I rewound this fucking part three times. I don't know why, but when he's running back and forth with his arms behind him, the second time he comes back, he does like this stupid little jump. It's fucking great. And then you see, he goes to do the third one. I think it's a third one he might do. And you see her back there watching him and he doesn't know it. And he does this stupid little move like his head flails up in the air or something too. And she's just watching him. And the look on her face. And I was just fucking dying. And I just rewound it. And I watched it again. And I watched it again. I loved it. Fucking love this part. Oh, man. But he ends up getting caught by Nana, who doesn't seem too amused at all by this. From this scene, I take it she remembers the weird shit she does the night before.

Jordan: Yeah. That was my question based off of does she remember this stuff she's doing? And then when you see this scene, that's kind of hinting to the audience that she does know what's going on.

Chris: Yeah. Otherwise, why would she give a shit that he was doing? She would just think he's just doing some weird, stupid kid shit.

Jordan: I feel like she's always like that. She just is able to let it out at night because they're in bed at night. But she's probably really weird all the time, and she has to try to hold it in because, like, the under the house scene where she starts acting really weird. Yeah. I feel like it's not just a nighttime thing. I feel like she just holds it in.

Chris: She's definitely crazy because of what we find out, where she comes from. We find out in the end. If she was just like that situation at nighttime, she wouldn't have been where she was.

Jordan: I don't know. Acting like that probably if at nighttime, you turn absolutely batshit crazy every night.

Chris: Yeah, but a lot of people with dementia do stuff like that in their family. They still live at home or something.

Jordan: But not like that. Maybe. I don't know. The way I take it is I think she's like this all the time, and she is aware of what she's doing. I think she all the time pop tries to play it off as like a blackout, like she's similar to Alzheimer's or something.

Chris: She's sleepwalking. She doesn't know what she's doing. But I think she definitely knows what she's doing.

Jordan: Yeah. I think this scene is important, and it's showing us that that's who she really is. She knows what's going on. Just for whatever reason, she's able to hold it in until nighttime, why the kids are there and when the kids weren't there. She's probably like that all the time.

Chris: But yeah, so once they catch up to them, they see Nana is kind of just staring into this well, and Pop Pops kind of, like, pulling her away, and it's just some kind of old, broken down well in the middle of the woods. Next we see, like, the two kids, they return to the well a little bit later on to kind of look and see kind of what was so interesting. And I guess they think that there's something in the well, and they end up kind of pulling it up and discovering that this is an old kind of well that no one uses anymore. It's got a little bit of water in the bottom of it, but there's absolutely nothing special or interesting about this well. And this kind of confuses them at what they're really staring at. What's going on with this well. But Becca goes looking for Pop Pop in the barn, and that's when she finds him with a shotgun barrel in his mouth. And he is sitting in a chair.

Jordan: He's cleaning it, and he's cleaning the shotgun well.

Chris: This startles him, and he mimics wiping down the gun while declaring he was only just cleaning it. And my question is, was Pop Pop going to blow his brains out in.

Jordan: The like, that's something that I thought about as I was watching it, knowing what the rest of the movie is now. Even him being crazy, is he having a hard time dealing with Nana because she's so fucking crazy, or she have guilt about something?

Chris: Yeah, I'm not really sure why this scene's in this yeah.

Jordan: Based off of the end, what their plan was this whole time, it didn't really make sense. He just having a breakdown. But he makes it very clear over and over again he was just cleaning that shotgun. Yeah.

Chris: I don't know. It doesn't really go with his character or it doesn't really go with the story. I guess my thought is he does have some mental things going on and maybe this is just him having a mental situation.

Jordan: He's clearly got some type of schizophrenia because based off of what we already know, him seeing, like, this white blob and talking to him, you don't know he's got something talking to him, telling him to shoot himself or something. But it's never really explained why this scene is in there.

Chris: No. He repeats, like, three different times. Like he's just cleaning it, though. Just cleaning it?

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: Why you would do that outside, I don't know. There's snow on the ground. It's cold as fuck out. So later that evening, Becca hears Nana laughing hysterically in the living room. She sees that Nana is sitting in the chair, staring at the wall like she's watching TV. And there's no TV. There's just a it's really, really weird.

Jordan: Really creepy. Again, that is a reoccurring theme. It's like everything. The lady who played her did so good. Every scene with her from, I don't know, a quarter of the movie on is just creepy as fuck.

Chris: Well, this scene, she says something that was really creepy, so she tries to smother herself with some kind of cloth, and Becca kind of stops her. And after this, she says, you have to laugh to keep the deep darkies in a cave.

Jordan: Yep. I quoted that on there too.

Chris: That was really good, actually, because the second time maybe it was the first time I actually watched it with the captions on. And yeah, I actually paused it and actually wrote it down because I was like, well, that sounded creepy.

Jordan: That's another thought that she's like that all the time. Like, she's trying to hold that shit in during the day until night, where she can let it.

Chris: Uh so so then she tells Becca a of she gets her to sit down for another interview, and then she tells Becca a story about how there are people in the water that were stolen by people from another planet and that these people will later be collected and sent back to this other planet. But for now, they are at the bottom of the water just kind of waiting. And she tries to kind of talk to her a little more about what happened with her mom 15 years ago. And she kind of freaks out and she kind of calms her down. And she comes up with this roundabout way to get her grandmother to kind of apologize to her mother about what happened. And that's really the main reason that Becca wanted to come. Here. And she kind of looks at this situation like, now I've got what I've needed to help my mom. I just want to show her this apology. Now we can get the fuck out of this place. I think she calls it.

Jordan: What?

Chris: The elixir.

Jordan: I think this coming up is where I think that was my mistake. So the scene earlier with the really paranormal activity vibes where they see her downstairs being really fucking weird, that's when.

Chris: They decide at that point in the.

Jordan: Movie where they acknowledge, like, it's time to get the fuck out of like they were like, mom's getting home from the cruise today. We're calling her. We're getting out of here. Yeah.

Chris: So later they see Nana and Pop Pop arguing outside with Stacey. Stacey has come back. And Stacey is asking them what they did and is asking them to get into her car. And the camera kind of shuts off before we see the conclusion of this argument. The kids do mention that they don't ever really see Stacey leave, but they don't pay a whole lot attention to really what's going. You know, we don't get a ton of a conclusion with. So Becca and Tyler, this is where they decide to set up a camera in the living room that night. And later on, we actually see the footage of that camera. And it shows Nana comes downstairs and she's kind of slamming doors. And she's, like walking around the living room at nighttime, real creepy. And then she kind of pulls like a jump scare on the camera. So she instantly knows that the camera is there, which is really creepy that she knows there's a fucking camera there instantly. It's almost kind of paranormally. And she picks the camera up and she carries it with her. And she walks into the kitchen and she picks up this big ass fucking butcher knife. And she carries this knife. And she carries this camera upstairs. And she sits the camera down where it is shooting in the direction of the children's room, their door. And she goes up to the door, and she starts trying to get in the door and banging on the door. And we end up seeing that it kind of wakes the kids up. And they're kind of freaked out, but the door is locked. And then we get a scene of the next morning. The kids are watching this footage, and they believe that Nana was going to come in there and try to kill them that night.

Jordan: I think they are correct.

Chris: They are definitely correct.

Jordan: That scene is one of the creepier out of the creepier out of all the creepy scenes in the movie. After that, no doubt, I'm getting the fuck out of there.

Chris: So they decide to try to kind of avoid the grandparents for most of the day because their mom's going to be coming back from her cruise that day. And they're going to wait until a little later. And then they want to get in touch with her. And this is where Nana asks Becca if she could help clean the oven. And she reluctantly agrees to do so because she doesn't really want to tip off the grandparents that they're trying they know what's up. They don't want to set off any alarm bells. So she goes in there and agrees. And Nana convinces her to get in all the way. And then Nana slams the door shut and Tyler kind of freaks out in protest. And Nana quickly lets Becca out of the oven. Don't know exactly what that was about, but yeah, it's weird. It's just another weird, creepy she's got a weird thing that she does, weird.

Jordan: Oven cleaning thing that goes on through. Like she's got some fantasy of cooking Becca and they're alive. And you think that's going to happen? Like they set it up, especially after the previews, and it's already happened once.

Chris: I got, like, a real loose theory that we'll talk about a little bit later on. It's about the only thing I got that goes with that, though. But yeah. So the kids wait for Nana and Pop up to go outside for a bit. And then once they do that, they Skype their mom, Loretta. Becca has managed to finally clean off the laptop camera, and they can kind of see each other again. And Loretta kind of starts the conversation off by trying to tell them about her vacation. But the kids stop her and tell her that they need her to immediately come and pick them up now. They tell her about Pop and the gun and the barn and Nana with the knife. Tyler holds up the laptop camera to the window for Loretta to see. And she has a very stunned she so in this scene, she keeps saying, she's like, listen to me, kids. Listen to me. Listen. And the kids aren't saying anything. I'm like, just spit it the fuck out. I don't understand. They're literally glued to this lap. Like they're listening to her. As soon as she says it the first time they're listening. And I don't know if it's just her just being that stunned or her trying to figure out what's going on. But yeah, she just kind of stumbles around of really dropping this bomb that she's about to drop. You would think she'd want to get that out as soon as possible, but she drops the bomb on them. That those are not your grandparents.

Jordan: Yeah. That's a big fucking bomb.

Chris: It's a big ass bomb. And she's like, have you been staying with those people the whole entire time? And they're like, yes. These are the people that picked us up from the train. Yeah. And she is freaking out. So she attempts to try to call the police department. It's a small town. There's only one cop. And she gets no answer. So she informs them, you guys need to get out of there right now. Run to a neighbor's house. She tells them, I'm going to hop in the car. I'm driving there right now. I will continue to call the police while I'm on the way there, but you guys need to get out of there immediately. So after that, the grandparents walk in and pretty much decide that everyone's going to play board game. It's going to be board game, family board game night.

Jordan: Be fucking yahtzee night.

Chris: Yahtzee night. And the kids try to leave out of the back door. But upon opening it, they see Stacey hanging from a tree out back. I love that little quick glimpse of her just out there hanging. They didn't even bother to cut her down and hide her?

Jordan: No. Well, they knew the time they talk about in those interviews earlier on, like their last interviews they're doing after they call their mom, that the grandparents are like they're upset because they're like, our time is coming to an end. So I think they know that the jigs up or I don't know how many days left they were supposed to have.

Chris: They were leaving the next day.

Jordan: It was time.

Chris: So the kids, they are forced by the grandparents to play a game of yahtzee. So the longer this game of yahtzee goes on, the more bizarre the grandparents behavior becomes. It's kind of like the closer we get to 930, the more weird things become. And another weird thing is Yahtzee really gets Pop Pop going.

Jordan: Yeah, he's a fucking Yahtzee player.

Chris: He is very competitive. And it's kind of bringing out his bad side. I guess he does make that comment too, that he was like the best in the cafeteria and one of like, what cafeteria? And kind of like lets on. So Becca kind of makes an excuse to sneak away and she ends up sneaking down into the basement where she believes her real grandparents are being kept. And while she's down there looking around, she finds a dumpster. And down there inside the dumpster, she first comes across some pictures and other belongings that belong to her real grandparents. She kind of sees what they actually look like. And she comes across a picture of her real grandparents and these two people who have been pretending to be her grandparents. So obviously they know each other. So she finds a bloody hammer with some blood and hair on it. And then she comes across a meadow shade mental hospital clothing. And then underneath that is some very decayed bodies of her real grandparents. Very gray. She would smell them.

Jordan: That's what I would smell them from.

Chris: In they would smell them from upstairs.

Jordan: I think you would be to smell them from outside the house.

Chris: Yeah, you would. I mean, it's been at least five days now, but they must have thought.

Jordan: It was mold in the basement.

Chris: It was basement mold.

Jordan: That's why people smell. They got curious about the shed and everything.

Chris: Shit diapers.

Jordan: That smelled awful too.

Chris: Fucking old people and shit diapers. I don't know.

Jordan: Mold and shit diapers. Yeah. Stay out of the basement.

Chris: I'm surprised they didn't Skype their mom and be like, how did you live here? It smells like shit here all the time.

Jordan: Old people shit too. That smells so much worse. Yeah, that's terrible.

Chris: Just degraded insides.

Jordan: That's a real thing. The old people shit stinks worse. I'm pretty sure I've seen an article. I think it was on I fucking love Science, like two months ago. Why do you old that's a real thing?

Chris: Worse than middle aged people's shit.

Jordan: Yeah. So god, I can only imagine like a 300 pound stack of old people shit that's been sitting there.

Chris: You got imagine what the police went through. They had old shitty diapers. It's like a week old. And then dead bodies. That's a week or two old.

Jordan: Yeah. And apparently they only have one cop there because he can't answer the phone.

Chris: Well, I don't know. More there's a bunch more shows up.

Jordan: Yeah, that's true. But that was a reference to her trying to call the police. And literally she can't get the police on the phone because it's such a small town.

Chris: Supposedly he's on call right now.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: Pop Pop or who is known to be Pop Pop, he appears behind her and he explains that he and Nana were patients of Meadow Shade and they knew her real grandparents as volunteers. And they decided to kill the volunteers and take over their life. When they heard that their grandchildren were going to be coming and visiting, they kind of thought that it would be what they say it would be a fun thing to do to kind of enjoy being grandparents for a week. And this is where he says that Claire, aka Nana, her new real name is Claire, killed her children and put them into suitcases into a lake so that the people from the other planet would take them. And this is the part of the movie that I completely forgot about. And so when you kind of look back on it, the story that the lady Claire told Becca during the interview, this is obviously what she really believes. And this is why she is actually in this place. She is fucking really crazy. She's obviously murdered her children in the past. And he makes a statement. I guess she has convinced this guy because they were in a mental institution together. She has convinced him that this other planet thing is real too, because remember, he says her children are already there, but we are going to all go there together as well. He tells her we're all going to die tonight. So I guess their plan is to they were going to enjoy being grandparents for a week and then they're going to kill the two kids and kill themselves at the well because he know Claire says the only way to get to this other planet from here is that well. So they got this whole fucking murder plot involving Claire's, I don't know, like a crazy mental theory that she has her mental condition, that everyone can die and then just use this well to go to this other planet where her murdered children already are.

Jordan: I didn't catch the well part. Oh, yeah, I didn't catch that.

Chris: Yeah, so that's why they were staring at the well is I guess she told him like, this is how we get to the other planet. Because remember she threw her kids down in the water and then she talks about how you have to put the bodies at the bottom of the water for the people from the other planet to get them. And there's no other body of water on the property except for that well. She plans everyone to get to die that night and then everybody be in the well. Even though the well is definitely not big enough for all four of them.

Jordan: This story was so well written. Like this part of it, like the ending he had to wrote this movie around this ending that he came up with. It's fantastic. And it's one of those movies where you watch the second time and when you know the story, like the stuff that you pick up on that you wouldn't have picked up on before, that should have been so obvious. Like, the first guy comes to the house and he mentions that they volunteer. And he's like, there's been some exciting things happened, which was obviously them escaping, those two escaping. Then the second lady shows up.

Chris: She kind of says the same thing.

Jordan: Yeah, but she mentions something at the end and it's really like you almost miss it. What would she say? I heard about what happened at Maple. Was it maple?

Chris: It's like Meadow, shady Meadow or something. What is it called?

Jordan: Maple Shade?

Chris: Is it Maple Shadows?

Jordan: I'm pretty sure it's Maple Shade because I rewinded.

Chris: Whatever.

Jordan: Anyway. So yeah, she says that at the very end she's like, I came in to check on her. Nana's been sick. And then what happened at Maple Shade? And you don't really catch that. Like, it's so subtle. And then whenever they're driving in the car on the way to the school and they're calling out places, and Tyler calls out that place and Pop cuts him off and says, no, that's Maple Shade. That's where we volunteer. We'd have to take know I have to find my badge and I'll take you by there one day. Like those three things together, every one of them so subtle. When you go back and rewatch it, you're like, wow, this seems really obvious. But the first time I watched this movie, I did not have any idea that that was going to be the ending. I thought these grandparents who just went fucking crazy or had like this revenge thing against their daughter or something and went crazy and was going to do something to her kids, I had no idea that it was going to end up being could you never imagine that could even happen? How could this lady send her kids off and her kids not know that these aren't their real grandparents?

Chris: Well, there's another there's so many of these little things sprinkled throughout this movie. When Stacey shows up for the second time and she's having the argument, you realize why she is freaking out? Because she recognizes them as patients from there. And that's why she's trying to get them to get in her car, because she's trying to take them back to this mental institution. And then the thing with the well, you never really understand the well until one sentence at the very end of the movie is like what she says. We can only get to this other planet through the well. And there's so much going on and there's so much shock happening at this one scene that it's so easy to just miss all this detail that's being thrown at you at one time. That's a huge part of the plot. I don't even know if I remember all that stuff from the first time I watched it years ago. Yeah, I don't remember any of this stuff.

Jordan: This was the second or third time I've seen this movie. And I had seen some of the other stuff, but the well part, I still missed that. Like I said, it's one of those movies you can go back and watch and pick up things. And now that you know what the story is, when you go back and watch it again, there's certain things that will stick out to you. But I thought this ending was a fantastic ending. This ending, for me, is what really makes this movie.

Chris: Yeah. So he ends up catching Becca and he locks her into a room with Nana, who at this point is Sun Downing, and she's going crazy. Pop Pop comes downstairs. Tyler is kind of frozen in fear in the kitchen, and he tells him that he never liked him, which I totally understand. That was a fake fist bump in the was.

Jordan: Um, so this is after Nana goes crazy, cause she goes crazy and he has to take her upstairs and lock her in the room. And then Tyler's sister gets locked in the room up there, too, with her, and he's still standing there. And I thought, that is one of my favorite parts of the movie. I know you mentioned him making fun of Nana, that scene right there where he leans down and whispers in his ear like, I never fucking liked you. I thought that was fantastic. And they referenced Tyler, too, his germ. It's like germaphobe. They actually referenced that in the beginning. So what ends up happening to him is just that much better.

Chris: Well, this also plays back to that little scene where they're interviewing each other outside. And he tells know way too long story about the whole football and him freezing. And then you realize that's why Tyler hasn't just run away. Because he has this situation where he can't move. And it's not just for like normal people will freeze for a couple seconds. That's normal. He freezes for an extended amount of time. And that's why it's like, why the hell didn't you just you could have just left, but you can't.

Jordan: Well, that's another one of the subtle things. And I didn't really catch that until I watched it this time, too, where I was like, well, why wouldn't he just run off? And then I remembered the football when he's talking about his dad, which kind of makes that scene make a little more sense of him telling that story. Yeah.

Chris: So he tells him he doesn't like him. And while he's kind of talking to him in the kitchen, he very slickly, removes a shitty diaper.

Jordan: I thought he was going to rape him.

Chris: Off his pants. And I'm like he's like, I don't like you, and I'm going to rape you.

Jordan: Yeah, he starts taking off his pants. And I'm like, oh, god, I don't remember this.

Chris: And I was like, you know, at this point, this doesn't surprise me. If he raped him right now, as crazy as these two old people are, not really that surprised. And I was thinking, I don't remember this either. But I don't remember the whole alien, crazy, alien, other planet plot either. Let's fucking run it.

Jordan: I remembered the shit in the face. I did remember that. And I'll tell you why I remembered it. Because I fucking hate Tyler. I hate his character.

Chris: He earned every fucking article of that.

Jordan: Like that shit. I loved him whispering like, I never liked you. And then he gets this shit, which is horrible. It really is horrible. He gets this shit diaper in the face. But when he was taking his pants, I remembered the shit diaper. But I'm like, oh, no. Is he about to rape or something? I don't remember this.

Chris: I didn't. And I had forgotten about the diapers. I was in such shock of like, he's getting raped.

Jordan: He's getting know, they got to smell that. Like, they must be hanging out with Pop Pop and be, you know, I have a baby. You're around my kid. When they shit, you can smell it. So it's got to be AK over. And they're hanging out with Pop Pop. And it's like pop. Pop. Just shit.

Chris: Well, did Pop Pop shit himself or there are dead people in the basement? We don't know. So he walks over to Tyler and mentions his germaphobia. And then he slams that shit diaper right into Tyler's face and then just rubs it it rubs it into his face.

Jordan: Just glorious.

Chris: Absolutely awful. And Tyler starts to cry, which I don't blame him.

Jordan: Yeah, I would have cried.

Chris: Don't blame him at all. Yeah, I would cry too. And I'm grown up.

Jordan: Old people shit.

Chris: I would never get to an age where if somebody did that to me.

Jordan: I would have PTSD over that. I feel like I would think about that for the rest of my life. Not that this whole situation in general wouldn't give, you know, your grandparents being murdered and two people who murdered them trying to now murder. But yeah, that part would stick out probably more than anything. But I thought it's great because I hate Tyler t money. Whatever. Tyler the creator. Key diamond stylist. Stupid.

Chris: Upstairs, Becca is being chased around the room by a crazy ass Nana. And they end up fighting on the bed where she's kind of attacking Becca. And Becca stabs Nana to death with a piece of broken glass.

Jordan: This is, I think, the scariest part of the movie.

Chris: I think by fariest part of the movie.

Jordan: When she's in it, you're getting the found footage feel. And she's locked in that room with her. And she's like crawling under the bed and throwing her arms over the bed. But then when she takes that sheet and puts it over her head and is like rising up, she's like super creepy.

Chris: Yes, she's up the creepy factor by like two notches.

Jordan: Most of this movie is creepy. Just a lot of creepy scenes. But this is actually, for me, this is when by far, the scary kicks in for this movie.

Chris: But she gets on top of her and I'm like, is she going to bite her face? Because you don't know what she's doing. Because she is in her face. She is on top of her. Like Becca is trying everything to get her off. And then she's losing this battle against this super old ass.

Jordan: Yeah, right before that, too, she like, slams her. One of my favorite shots of the movie is her looking in the mirror because they talk about the fear of her looking at herself in the mirror. And she has to look at herself and fucking crazy ass Nana. It's got the sheet over her making these grunting sounds. And she comes up over her shoulder and you could see the reflection. And then she just starts slamming her head into the glass mirror. And then like you said, she gets on top and you're like, what is she going to do? She looks so unpredictable.

Chris: Bite her fucking neck, too. And then that's when you kind of see Becca kind of stabs her with this glass. You don't see exactly where she stabs her and fills the neck or what. But you just see this great scene of blood just start kind of pouring all over Becca's face. That's always good in a movie.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: Never go wrong with blood pouring into somebody's face.

Jordan: Yep. Love that shot. And they did the audio, too. The audio on it was great. The stabs just had that good stab sound to them.

Chris: Excellent job, Foley. People. Excellent job. So she ends up killing Nana, and she jumps up and she pretty much escapes this locker room. She breaks the doorknob off, and she runs downstairs and she attacks Pop Pop from behind. And once she kind of attacks him, it kind of snaps Tyler out of his frozen state. Tyler kind of goes into this rage mode, and he knocks him down kind of like a football tackle kind of thing. And then he begins to slam his head into the refrigerator door repeatedly. I guess he killed him.

Jordan: Didn't hate it. Hated it. I hated the football stuff. Yeah, the football stuff was cringey. And the kill, the way he killed him was cringey. If they had to reshoot any part of this movie, I feel like that was it. They could have killed him in such a better way. I know.

Chris: They don't even know if they killed him.

Jordan: I know they wanted to tie it in with kind of stuff with his dad and stuff, but yeah, it would be really hard to slam somebody's head in a refrigerator door enough times. And he hits them like I don't know, he slams it like five times, maybe, to actually kill somebody doing that. Yeah, I assume it was a kill. Yeah.

Chris: I don't know.

Jordan: That's completely an assumption. But they don't give us any reason to think that he didn't kill him.

Chris: I just wrote a question mark.

Jordan: I absolutely hated that part. I feel like they could have come up with such a cooler way to have Pop killed. Like, Nana, she gets stabbed to death.

Chris: There's shotgun.

Jordan: There's this cool blood scene. And then with Popeye, you don't even actually see him. Like, you can't even see his head when the door is being slammed. You see, like, the bottom part of his legs. Yeah. Not a great kill. Not a fan.

Chris: Don't even know if it's a kill if I don't know if it's a kill in a horror movie.

Jordan: I don't know. So then camp sleepaway, though.

Chris: Sleepaway camp has a great ending. A man was killed by bees. And we seen we see the body.

Jordan: I'll give you that. We see the body. If we wouldn't have seen the body in the drowning someone's head was cut off. If we wouldn't have seen the body in the drowning scene. I was confused if that was a kill or not. Anyway, onto the movie, I thought I'll pop with bees. Yeah. Honestly, I would have been better than that. Yeah, I would have been happier with the bees. But if they could have found that pump shotgun and cut old Pop in.

Chris: Half, you just picture Tyler pop's head. Decapitated head rolls off of Tyler's lap. Tyler stands up naked and does that.

Jordan: Animalistic hit, starts rapping, starts rapping.

Chris: Becca and Tyler then run out to the house, where, conveniently, the fucking police and their mom are all pulling into the driveway at the same exact time the police rush into the house. The kids are put into the cop car with their mom. It's pretty much the end of that. Then we get a fast forward to a few days or weeks later, I guess. I think it's weeks. And Loretta is doing another interview for the documentary. She is much more emotional this time and kind of talking about her parents. And she starts telling the camera what actually happened 15 years ago that made her stop talking to her mom and dad. And during the argument that she previously talked about, she tried to leave once things got real heated and her mom stepped in front of the door, tried to stop her from leaving. So she slapped her mother in the face and then her dad kind of reacted negatively and slapped her in the face for slapping her mom. And this kind of stunned everybody and then she stormed off and left. They did reach out to a couple of days later to try to mend the relationship. I believe they tried a few times after that, but she just pretty much ignored them and they eventually just kind of left her alone. And the story ends with her kind of telling her children to never hold on to anger, that it's not really worth it.

Jordan: You find out Loretta kind of sucks. She literally hits her mom and then doesn't talk to them. Like they reach out to her. I think it was like multiple times over the years they tried to contact her and she wouldn't get back with of. That's just kind of crazy that is.

Chris: To I don't know, to give up your parents, which seems like she had a really good relationship before this, but to have nothing to do with your parents your whole entire adult life because of an argument that occurred when you were a teenager, that's just crazy to me. Agreed, you got that time to mend that relationship, but that's not true. You're not guaranteed that tomorrow. So I guess that's really what they're trying to tell that's what they're trying to point out. And that's true, but she learned it the hard way. But she's a fictional character and fuck her. All I got to say about that. There's a deleted scene where I think they should actually use the deleted scene.

Jordan: I thought it was better talking about the alternative ending.

Chris: Yeah, not deleted scene. Yeah, there's a different ending that's a little more it's a lot more of a kind of an emotional thing where she actually reads a letter that her parents wrote her that I guess it sounded like they were planning to send this letter back with her kids when they went back home. And it was kind of telling her, like, no matter what happened, we still loved you and you ended up having these great kids. So in the end, we ended up being wrong anyway. I. Think they should have went with that ending because it was much more heartfelt. She fucking sucks.

Jordan: The alternate ending was much better, I thought. Yeah. I think they wanted to end it maybe more on a happy note like the one they ended up using. Not as emotional, but I thought the alternative ending was much better. It's very emotional, very sad. But I thought it was much better.

Chris: Yeah. And then the actual ending of this movie is stupid as fuck. It is. T Diamond Styles rapping about the whole situation that happened with getting the poop rubbed in his face and all that.

Jordan: Stuff, I actually paused. Did don't yeah, don't stop yourself if you're watching this for the first time. Just pause it. Don't even sit through it's. Not worth it. Just pretend that Tyler got a really bad infection and died after the events of getting shit rubbed in his face. So we never had to hear this terrible rap. I completely cut this out. I wouldn't have caught it.

Chris: He lets you know that shit don't taste like chicken Shania Twain.

Jordan: That's so fucking bad.

Chris: That's stupid. So fucking just they should have cut that out of the movie. That's in the movie. That's the end of this plot.

Jordan: That is. Yep.

Chris: So we'll go into a little bit that I learned about the movie. So the main reason that he funded this movie himself was not because he had had some failures beforehand. It was because he wanted to regain artistic control over his movies, his previous two movies. He was denied the final cut of the movies and he was removed from having any say so during post production of the previous two movies.

Jordan: Yeah, that would be tough. I could see where yeah, pretty much his situation. Your name's on something and you pretty much don't even get his name.

Chris: His name was getting trashed with these movies that weren't doing well. And he wasn't even having the say so or being able to say what was in or wasn't in the movie. And that is why he did this movie himself. That's why he funded it himself. Is he's like, if I'm going to put my name on this next one, I'm going to have all the control over it. And I think that was a great decision.

Jordan: Yeah, I agree with him 100% there. I could see where I don't know which two movies the two before that.

Chris: It was after Earth and something else.

Jordan: I could see where taking all this.

Chris: Negative, the Last Airbender and some Will Smith after they they bombed.

Jordan: Yeah. Never seen it. Never seen either one of yeah. Yeah. I could see after getting all these critics blowing you up after two movies in a row where you didn't get the control but your name's on it. I think he made a good decision there.

Chris: This is the first M. Night Shyamalan movie to not have the customary cameo that all his movies had before.

Jordan: Yeah, I didn't notice that.

Chris: Normally he's in them.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: Ain't in this one. He's switching it up, man. It's completely different. Totally different style. M. Night Shyamalan claims to have watched thousands of audition tapes for the roles of this movie, especially the kids. I don't think he watched thousands, but he could watch hundreds.

Jordan: There's only four, five main characters of the movie.

Chris: Yeah, I don't think he watched thousands, but he wanted to cast mostly unknown actors for this as he wanted it to be more of a low budget, smaller movie feel. Like I was saying, there's only one person in this movie who is a very famous actor. The two kids. They're actually both from Australia. The same city in Australia. Did you not know each other? But that was a yeah.

Jordan: Yeah, I knew that the kiddie played Tyler was from Australia because I looked it up to make sure he never got a fucking job again after this, did he? He did, yeah. He ended up being on some, I think, sitcom in the bit. That's the biggest movie he ever did, at least in the States.

Chris: Well, he sucks.

Jordan: Yeah, he does suck. I was really hoping that I was going to read that. Just his career just absolutely bombed. And he can't even go into a restaurant without getting made fun of. But hey, some people bounce back.

Chris: He can get better. Not saying he can't eventually be a good actor, but wasn't a fan of him here.

Jordan: No, but he is a kid. I mean, he acts like a really cringey kid very well. He did that really well. We all have moments that we think back on when we're around that age where we're like, man, how fucking cringey was that? But I don't think any of it gets as bad as that. Like, that some really cringey. He sucked. I'll leave it at that. I'll quit talking about how I know. I've mentioned it a thousand times. I told you I would. Yeah. That's my final words on him.

Chris: If he ever hears this, somebody's going to catch him in the barn just cleaning the gun. This was the whole cast, their very first horror film. That's surprising for the person who played Nana.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: She should be in more horror films.

Jordan: She should be in every horror film. She's that good. Rob Zombie needs to quit casting his wife and get a hold of her. Cast her in every movie. Yeah.

Chris: He's not going to do that, though.

Jordan: No, he'll be in the dog house if he does that.

Chris: Oh, man.

Jordan: Yeah.

Chris: So M. Night Shyamalan made three cuts of this film. The first accidentally turned out to be a comedy. There is a version of this film out there that obviously hardly nobody has seen, that is a comedy. Just funny because I'd love to see that version.

Jordan: The first half of it really is just kind of just a lot of comedic input. On this movie.

Chris: So that's actually the first version. He shopped around and no one wanted it. And they were like, did you make a comedy that's supposed to be kind of like a thriller, but it's funny.

Jordan: And that's why they didn't get him final say so over the other two movies.

Chris: And he was like, well, this happened. And he was like, well, I'm going to lose this $5 million that I have on my house. So he goes back and he makes another cut. And it ends up being just a straight horror film. And he's like, well, I don't want it to just be a straight up horror movie. We did film some humor in it. Like we wanted it to be some funny stuff. So the third cut was kind of right in the middle. And that is the version that we see. That is this version.

Jordan: Yeah. I would like to see the depure horror version.

Chris: Just a straight, scary version.

Jordan: I think it would be rated quite a few points higher in my book, at least, if you took some of the comedy. Because a lot of the comedy is with Tyler and just not a fan. He's just not funny.

Chris: So that's all I got. You want to jump into the ratings?

Jordan: Well, don't skip out on Beth's kill.

Chris: I didn't even do that because there's like no fucking kill.

Jordan: Yeah, I just put for best kill. One. Kill, Becca. Kill. And Nana with the glass.

Chris: Oh, yeah.

Jordan: Okay. All I had to choose from. So I figured we'd be on the same page.

Chris: There we are.

Jordan: Best kill.

Chris: That's a given. Yeah, that was my favorite kill.

Jordan: Yeah, we jump in ratings.

Chris: I love how T Diamond Styles killed Rap. This killed it for me. Like I can't listen to rap anymore.

Jordan: Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Chris: Yeah. I didn't do a kill. I didn't do rate a killer. Because I don't know. There is none of that stuff in this movie. This is just really just a creepy movie. It's a found footage kind of creepy movie. It's not even paranormal. A lot of the stuff that we would normally rate is not in this movie. It's not really rateable in this movie. So I didn't fill out all that stuff. Unless you got something you want to rate.

Jordan: I'll go into the final rating of the movie. So I gave it a 3.6.

Chris: Whoa.

Jordan: And I added a good whole point for the ending. Oh, yeah. You see, now I would say a point and a half because honestly, the rest of the movie is kind of well, no, I'd give it a point. I would give it a 2.6 without the amazing ending just because of the creepy scenes. The lady who played Nano alone or not. But yeah, overall, it's fun. Found footage movie. It has a lot of really creepy scenes. The acting was good from both the people who played the grandparents and Becca. I thought all three of them did really well. The first half of the movie is just kind of comedic with some really creepy parts added in. But I would say once you get the reveal of that ending from that point forward, it actually is a scary movie. I wish that the whole movie was like that, but unfortunately, it's not. I do love how this movie adds the subtle things throughout that kind of hint towards the end, but it still ends up the first time watching it. It still ends up being a big surprise on the ending. It's one of those movies you can go back and watch a second time and start putting pieces together and then everything start kind of falling in place and making a lot more sense. Yeah. Overall, it's a fun movie to watch. I don't dislike it. I just dislike Tyler. Without that, I think it'd be a much better cut. But yeah, 3.6. Okay.

Chris: That's not super far off from me. I rated this movie at a 3.1. I don't really like the kids. I don't really like either one of them. So we don't really need to talk about T Diamond anymore. We have already covered why he sucks.

Jordan: He no longer exists.

Chris: My issue with Becca is she and I don't know, this is probably how actual 15 year old girls are, but she does that whole, like, especially because she's doing this documentary. She does that like, oh, well, that's not how documentaries do this, and movies do that. And I'm trying to make this movie do this, and I hate movies that make me feel, like, emotional. She's just trying way too hard to be this person that, even as an adult, I can't stand. Like, the movie snob is what she is acting like, in my opinion. And there are times where I think I like her version of her when she's more vulnerable or when she's scared, when she's actually just a normal person than most of her in this movie. I don't really care for her.

Jordan: It's interesting that didn't really stick out.

Chris: To I just man, every time she's when Tyler originally brings up the idea of putting the camera in the living room, and she's like, oh, well, that's not ethical. And she literally brings up the standards of cinematography, and it's like, you just need to see what the fuck is going on at nighttime to make sure that this person is not trying to kill you. Who gives a fuck about what you're talking? She takes everything to this way stupid, serious place that it doesn't need to be at. And I don't really like her character. I don't really care for her. She could have been a way cooler could have be a way cooler character, in my opinion.

Jordan: Yeah, I think that there probably is some was she 15?

Chris: Something like that.

Jordan: 16 year old girls that would act like that? Yeah. I don't think they were far off of where they wrote the character. How did you feel about the actress who played the character, though? I thought she did good with the character.

Chris: She did good. She wasn't super great. I wouldn't say she stood out. The nana stood out.

Jordan: She really stood out.

Chris: The girl who played Becca, she wasn't bad. I wouldn't say she's terrible, but she didn't have a lot that really stood out to me either. If I was going to rate her on her acting one out of 1010 being great, I'd give her like a six and half a seven. She was good. She wasn't bad.

Jordan: Yeah, I could see a, uh I think the grandparents definitely stood out. Oh, I think Pop did a great job, too. I just think he gets overshined by the amazing job that the lady who plays Nana did. Yeah.

Chris: I just don't really care for the characters of the kids. I don't really like either one of them. You watch a lot of these movies. When you watch a movie like the newest it, or you watch something like The Stranger Thing, you get these kid characters where there are some really good, really well written kid characters, and then you get something like this that I just don't like the kid characters. And I don't really like either one of them. But that's fine. That's not a big deal. It is what it is. You can't really like every character of every movie. I didn't really care much for them. But the grandparents are phenomenal. They're great. They really make the movie.

Jordan: Yeah. Without them, like I said, this movie wouldn't have came anywhere close to the 30s, but the acting on them.

Chris: If this movie was like a Supernatural movie, if you took the grandparents out of the movie and it was still a found footage movie, but it was Supernatural with the two kids, this movie would get a fucking one. Maybe for me.

Jordan: Yeah. I wouldn't even watch it at that.

Chris: Yeah, I probably wouldn't watch.

Jordan: But if I had still fucking rapping, I'm not watching.

Chris: If I had to watch it and the Supernatural stuff was good, I'd give it a one. But without the grandparents, no, the kid characters aren't good enough. But if you took that same premise and it was the older people with a found footage and maybe somehow wrapped Supernatural and didn't have the kids in it, I think that would be a better movie. Those are better.

Jordan: Get some better kids. Yeah.

Chris: What I'm trying to say, though, is the older couple are better characters and better actors than the younger two. And if you had to separate them, one movie would be way better than the other movie if they were two separate movies with the characters. But what gives this movie, even in the threes for me, is the little sprinkles of stuff sprinkled throughout it. And then you get this whole little story of this lady killing her kids. And they've got this whole plan wrapped up in the end and this shit that I totally forgot that was happening. Because the thing that I always remembered is, and I think this is probably true for a lot of people, is they always remember that twist that that's not their real grandparents. But does everybody remember this whole entire backstory or whatever that comes with that twist? If that whole story of her killing her kids and putting people into the water and the whole schizophrenia story wasn't with this, I probably would have gave this movie like a 2.6. But I really like that other stuff. I really like the other stuff.

Jordan: Yeah, that's right, where I said with the ending giving it a whole extra point about a 2.6. I would love to be able to go in and see if there was a way to edit this movie to cut the other kid out. No, just hear me out.

Chris: All of Tyler's scenes except for where he discovers the ship barn.

Jordan: Hear me out. Yeah, you gotta have that and just cut it somehow where it's just in the movie but he doesn't discover like she discovered. I don't know if there was a way. I don't even know if there would be. But if there was a way to cut it where he's not in the movie and it's just the sister going there to make this documentary on her grandparents, I would be willing to bet it'd be a shorter movie, but I'd be willing to bet that it would be at least 0.3 higher for me. At least just not having to deal with that kid.

Chris: I'd be fine. If you just took out all the scenes where he's like the main focal point there's the scenes where they're scared they hear this shit out in the hallway and they're, like, talking amongst each other. I don't really care about him that much there. He's fine. But it's the scene where he kind of takes the star role in the scene that I'm like, Shut the fuck up.

Jordan: You know what I told Brooke? I'm like, this kid has to be like a producer's nephew or something. How in the fuck did he get this fucking how did he get this role like this? Had to be somebody he fucking wrapped his way in, I guess. Skills, it's bad. Yeah, but without them. The reason I give it the rating I did the grandparents performance and the story, it was written really good. Like you were saying, like we kind of both said with this subtle stuff, the stuff they have sprinkled in that really ties the story together once you find out what's going on.

Chris: I am going to say, though, is I do hope that he, in real life, didn't get picked on or bullied a ton for the rapping. Because I have a feeling that when he went back home to be like a regular person, everyone at school fucked with him so hard on this, because that is exactly what would happen at school. Everyone would be making fun of how terrible his rapping persona in this movie was.

Jordan: I wonder who wrote the raps. I don't know.

Chris: I mean, you remember.

Jordan: Maybe he wants to be a rapper.

Chris: The kid from Star Wars quit acting like he was like Trump wanted to kill himself or something at one point because he was in one Star Wars movie.

Jordan: Yeah. That was crazy to me, though, because I thought he did fine. Yeah, he's totally fine. Kids suck. Kids are assholes.

Chris: It's not surprising.

Jordan: Yeah, well, he didn't imagine if he.

Chris: Rapped in Star Wars.

Jordan: I can't say he didn't. But he was able to go on and have a successful career on, like, a sitcom.

Chris: But yeah, I don't know. That's all I really got about the visit.

Jordan: It's not profound.

Chris: It has a ton of stuff to say about it, but it's good. I probably won't watch it again for another, I don't know, three, four years. Kind of hope that I forget a lot of stuff about this movie so I can kind of do what I just did now and watch it again and kind of be surprised by some of it.

Jordan: Yeah. If you want to see a fun found footage movie with really good creepy scenes, there's a lot of really good that's really what makes this movie memorable four years down the road is you might forget some stuff, but you remember that ending and you remember that there was some creepy ass scenes. Actually, I watched it and there was more creepy scenes than I remember.

Chris: Oh, like double it's. Double the amount.

Jordan: Yeah. And it's all with the lady who plays Nana. She just absolutely kills it. Like, I bow down to her. She did a great job. Without her, this movie, we wouldn't be probably doing the podcast on this without her.

Chris: No, we wouldn't have covered it. Probably would have been a forgotten about found footage movie.

Jordan: But he would have lost his $5 million.

Chris: That's what his home he would be poor, shame along. But yeah, I guess that's it for the visit. Next is what we're going to do next. I already picked it. Pet Cemetery.

Jordan: Pet Cemetery.

Chris: OG. Pet Cemetery, though we're not going to do the remake. We're doing the old one, the original pet Cemetery. Very much looking forward to doing Pet Cemetery. That'll be coming next week.

Jordan: I'm looking forward to that.

Chris: I am, too. Especially because I originally wasn't going to do it because I thought I had to rent it, but turns out it's here on DVD.

Jordan: I own it.

Chris: Look at that. We got all the pet cemeteries, too. But, yeah, we'll do pet cemetery next. Keep an eye out for that. But other than that, you got anything?

Jordan: No, just try not to get old people shit diapers splattered in your face at work this week. Yeah.

Chris: Shanai Twain. Bitches.