Reimagine High School Government
In “Reimagine High School Government,” Episode, #215, join Meredith Curtis for an inspiring look at ways to make government fascinating to learn (if you are a teen) and motivating for your teens (if you are a parent). Making government interesting and fun was the challenge before Meredith and this is what she did! From hosting a state dinner to campaigning for a candidate to discussing current events, she learned that a government course CAN be appealing and exciting!
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Show Notes
Teens usually take a government class in high school that they universally call “boring”. Is it any wonder that so few Americans have read the Constitution much less remember what it says?
I have found some fun ways to engage teens to want to understand government over the years. Here are some ideas you can add to your government course to bring it alive.
Engage in a Political Campaign
Years ago, we joined John McCain’s campaign for President. We made phone calls at headquarters, passed out flyers, and held signs on election day. If that won’t work for your family or homeschool co-op, make political buttons & posters & commercials.
Host a State Dinner
We hosted a State Dinner in our homeschool co-op, inviting the Prime Minister of Israel, his wife, and some of his officials to join us. We all took roles, planned a menu with American & Israeli food, and planned welcoming events.
Put a Face to the Position
If you’re talking about what a mayor does, show them a picture of the mayor or better yet, take a field trip to meet the mayor. Learning about the judicial system? Sit in on a court case.
Watch Videos
We have really enjoyed videos from Prager U, Dave Barton, and Drive Thru History: America. Many of Prager U’s videos are free to watch on YouTube.
Read Living Books
There are some amazing books related to government that teens love!
- Magna Chart by James Daughterty
- The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel
- The Battle for the Mind by Tim LaHaye
- From Sea to Shining Sea by Peter Marshall and David Manuel
- Ancient Rome: How It Affects You Today by Richard Maybury
- In His Majesty’s Service: Christians in Politics by Robert A. Peterson
- Whatever Happened to Justice? By Richard Maybury
And for serious advanced readers
- The Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
- On the Republic by Cicero
- Common Law by Sir William Blackstone
- Lex Rex by Rev. Samuel Rutherford
- The Federalists Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and others
- The Anti-Federalists Papers by Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, & Others
- The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli (classic about how to be a bad leader!)
- Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville
Talk about Current Events
Read articles, blog posts, or listen to News podcasts and bring one current event to talk about. Then pray for those things. Another great thing to do is to read about the same event in several different news sources and compare the information given and the information withheld.
20 Century World History
Understanding government helps students understand history! I learned this teaching 20 Century World History Online (High School Course at True North Homeschool Academy).
Craft a Bill
There is a process in Congress for a bill to become a law. Walk through that process by crafting your own bill.
Learn about Those Who Protect & Serve
Teens love to learn about the military, spy agencies, and law enforcement. Again, make it personal by introducing some individuals and their stories.
Finally, Learn about Where Authority Comes From
All Authority comes from God and He delegates authority to individuals (autonomy, personal responsibility) families (raising & educating children), church (making disciples, caring for the poor & needy), and government (sovereign nations, defense & protection).
Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda
Explore American exceptionalism, forms of government, the roots of freedom, our Constitution, elections, politics, military, manners (self-government), citizenship, and personal freedom in Government: God’s Blueprint/Man’s Agenda. Discover what God values in leaders and how He works in us to grow as leaders, as well as different philosophies of government and what they look like. In this one-credit high school course, you will read living books, narrate conversational text, keep up with current events, watch videos, and discover that government class isn’t boring after all!
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