Teens & Their Friends
In “Teens & Their Friends,” Episode, #218, Meredith Curtis invites parents & teens to talk about friendships during the teen years. Why do these relationships matter so much? How do friendships impact teens? How can teens makes choices in relationships that set them up for success?
Powerline Productions, Inc.
Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!
Show Notes
A Walk to Remember.
The Search for Love & Intimacy
Boyfriends & Girlfriends
Best Friends
Healthy Relationships
Addiction to TV Shows, Movie Series, & Video Games
What a Good Friend Can Do
Build up, Increase confidence, Help teens grow in the Lord, Speak Truth
What a Bad Friend Can Do
Tear Down, Bully, Decrease confidence, Cause teens to backslide, Speak Lies
We Become Like Who We Spend Time With
He who Walks with the Wise Grows Wise
A Companion of Fools Suffers Harm
How to Be Wise & Walk with the Wise
Friends don’t need to be your age
Friends don’t need to be the same as you
Friends need to love Jesus, love their families, and love you.
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