2025 Tax Reform Proposals

Feb 17 2025
The 2025 tax reform includes various proposals to put more cash into he hands of consumers and encourage consumers to invest their savings. On the corporate side, the reform proposes to increase the corporate tax rate by almost a full percentage point to fund Japan’s plan to strengthen its self defense capabilities. If enacted, this increase, along with changes to accounting for operating leases, will require companies to update their tax accounting calculations. Also, the proposals show Japan’s determination to implement all aspects of the OECD’s global minimum tax (or Pillar 2) initiative with the introduction of the Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax and the Under Taxed Profits Rule.
In this episode of The Japan Perspective, Brian Douglas, managing director, walks through some of the key provisions of the tax reform proposal impacting foreign multinationals.
The Japan Perspective is a podcast series committed to communicating the latest Japanese tax developments and their potential impact on foreign multinational companies operating in Japan.
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