Feb 14 2025 54 mins
So Strickland's going to Vegas this weekend? Maybe I should drive out there and surprise him. Better yet, YOU should get out there and surprise him! Seriously, I'll obligate him to buy you a drink if you are in Vegas this weekend, he's staying downtown off of Fremont St. Not a little drink either, one of those yard-long touristy frozen drinks where you're not sure if you'll get alcohol poisoning or diabetes first. Reach out in the FB group (www.niceshortcut.com) and tag him. If he's not looking at FB, someone else in the group will buzz him, you should totally do this, he would love the attention. And you should check out San Luis Obispo, CA, here are some links:
Do you want some cool merch? Check out the store here- https://www.niceguysonbusiness.com/merch
Leave a voicemail for the Nice Guys: 424-2DJ-DOUG - (424) 235-3684
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No time to get to this, but you can read the blog here: 12 Worries Every Entrepreneur Has (or they are lying)
Show notes written lovingly by the most anonymous man (or woman) in the world.
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.