Jun 16 2021 71 mins
Episode 56 features Curt Riedy from High Dramma and Philly Sketchfest. We review "Taco Man" by The State and “The Continental” by SNL. Sketch Nerds is a comedy podcast about the craft of sketch comedy where we break down your favorite sketches. Listen to the full episode wherever you get your podcasts or visit BadMedicineComedy.com/SketchNerds
Here is a link to the sketches we discussed:
Taco Man - https://facebook.com/thestate/videos/617130049287/
The Continental - https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/the-continental/2869208
Curt Riedy also teaches sketch comedy at Philly's Helium Comedy Club.
High Dramma: http://www.highdramma.com/
Philly Sketchfest: http://phillysketchfest.com/
Amy Vance: https://brickpenguin.com/
Also check out...
I Wrote You A Pilot Podcast: https://iwroteyouapilot.podbean.com/
Soundtrack For Everything: http://soundtrackforeverything.com/
Sketch Nerds is a "Top 20 Sketch Comedy Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" https://blog.feedspot.com/sketch_comedy_podcasts/
Here is a link to the sketches we discussed:
Taco Man - https://facebook.com/thestate/videos/617130049287/
The Continental - https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/the-continental/2869208
Curt Riedy also teaches sketch comedy at Philly's Helium Comedy Club.
High Dramma: http://www.highdramma.com/
Philly Sketchfest: http://phillysketchfest.com/
Amy Vance: https://brickpenguin.com/
Also check out...
I Wrote You A Pilot Podcast: https://iwroteyouapilot.podbean.com/
Soundtrack For Everything: http://soundtrackforeverything.com/
Sketch Nerds is a "Top 20 Sketch Comedy Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" https://blog.feedspot.com/sketch_comedy_podcasts/