Apr 20 2022 14 mins 4
The 'Local Governance in Somalia' RVI podcast discusses devolution of power in Somalia in the context of rapid urbanisation. The podcast reflects on the 2021 World Bank Review, which aims to facilitate a more informed dialogue between the government, private sector, civil society, development partners and other stakeholders on a more comprehensive urban development strategy in Somalia.
In the 3rd episode, Horn of Africa Programme Manager at the Rift Valley Institute- Hannah Stogdon- speaks with Dr. Ken Menkhaus, professor of Political Science at Davidson College, Horn of Africa and Land Urbanisation specialist working on local governance, service delivery, and forced displacement. The podcast also hosts Makiko Watanabe, a Senior Urban Specialist working on local governance, service delivery, and forced displacement and Dr. Olivia D’Aoust who is a senior urban economist working on issues related to the economics of urbanisation, territorial development, and conflict and fragility.
In the 3rd episode, Horn of Africa Programme Manager at the Rift Valley Institute- Hannah Stogdon- speaks with Dr. Ken Menkhaus, professor of Political Science at Davidson College, Horn of Africa and Land Urbanisation specialist working on local governance, service delivery, and forced displacement. The podcast also hosts Makiko Watanabe, a Senior Urban Specialist working on local governance, service delivery, and forced displacement and Dr. Olivia D’Aoust who is a senior urban economist working on issues related to the economics of urbanisation, territorial development, and conflict and fragility.