Without a doubt, this was one of the most fun and humble and exciting interviews I have ever done. Terry Wildman is the point man behind the First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament.
Terry was so gracious as to talk with me for a full hour and we discussed not using the word "God" in the translation, Rabbis as "wisdom-keepers," the prayer practices of his people, decolonizing the Scriptures, and how this translation has been so positively received by so many various types of peoples and cultures globally.
https://firstnationsversion.com | www.johnchaffee.com
Terry was so gracious as to talk with me for a full hour and we discussed not using the word "God" in the translation, Rabbis as "wisdom-keepers," the prayer practices of his people, decolonizing the Scriptures, and how this translation has been so positively received by so many various types of peoples and cultures globally.
https://firstnationsversion.com | www.johnchaffee.com