Feb 28 2023 58 mins 7
We talk about improvising science fiction as part of Assimilate Improv with Josh Hards, playing aliens and robots, Hoopla Impro, Chris Mead, Katy Schutte, online improv, Boyd Branch, virtual hugs, Andrew Pugsley's Isolation, Jessica Arjet, Parallelogramophonograph, Hideout Theatre, Megan Sherrod, Kaci Beeler, Roy Janik, Scoops Improv Comedy Brighton, 2Spoons Improv (Elena Kerrigan and Jennifer Haufek), The Actors, Simon Goodway, Two Pegs in a Pod with Kathy Manson, The Shed in the Thicket, Beige Mirror, Simon Topping, Kate Lloyd, fear, The Maydays, reviewing shows for The Reviews Hub at the Brighton Fringe, blogging about improv as Spontaneous Tortoise, John Cremer, the The Maydays retreat, Lloydie James Lloyd, musical improv, Harry Puckering, Ric Stewart, Carrie White, Liz Peters and Joe Samuel, Heather Urquhart, using cards as inspiration for characters, how to play Percentages, and Katharine Steer.