Jun 06 2023 42 mins 12
In May 2023, the Green Party won a plurality on three Suffolk councils, all bordering each other - including their first ever majority in Mid Suffolk. How did they do it?
In episode seven of the second season of Stats for Lefties, Ell Folan interviews Green councillor and organiser Alex Catt (@ CllrAlexCatt on Twitter). Alex was closely involved with the Suffolk campaign, and gives his insights into how the party achieved its win.
They also discuss the Greens’ stellar local election results, why Alex left Labour for the Greens, what being a councillor involves and more.
To hear the extended episode (with 20 minutes of extra content) sign up from £2 a month at www.patreon.com/leftiestats
In episode seven of the second season of Stats for Lefties, Ell Folan interviews Green councillor and organiser Alex Catt (@ CllrAlexCatt on Twitter). Alex was closely involved with the Suffolk campaign, and gives his insights into how the party achieved its win.
They also discuss the Greens’ stellar local election results, why Alex left Labour for the Greens, what being a councillor involves and more.
To hear the extended episode (with 20 minutes of extra content) sign up from £2 a month at www.patreon.com/leftiestats