Jul 12 2023 21 mins 5
Special Guest Lyme Success Story - Kellie Koedel
Lyme Ninja Radio
Livestream on Facebook and Youtube
Published Weekly
Visit https://lymeninjaradio.com
Host: Mackay Rippey
Lauren Lovejoy's Socials:
Lyme Warrior: https://lymewarrior.us
Facebook: @LymeWarriorUS
Instagram: @lymewarriorus
Twitter: @lymewarriorus
Mackay's Socials:
Website: www.beyondprotocols.org
Website: www.thelymeacademy.com
Facebook: @beyondprotocols
Instagram: @beyondprotocols
Twitter: @beyondprotocols
DISCLAIMER: This show contains the opinions of the hosts and guests and is meant for entertainment and education purposes only. We are not your doctor. You are not our patient. Always consult with your actual medical provider before changing any aspect of your mental or physical health care. Viewer discretion is advised.
Lyme Ninja Radio
Livestream on Facebook and Youtube
Published Weekly
Visit https://lymeninjaradio.com
Host: Mackay Rippey
Lauren Lovejoy's Socials:
Lyme Warrior: https://lymewarrior.us
Facebook: @LymeWarriorUS
Instagram: @lymewarriorus
Twitter: @lymewarriorus
Mackay's Socials:
Website: www.beyondprotocols.org
Website: www.thelymeacademy.com
Facebook: @beyondprotocols
Instagram: @beyondprotocols
Twitter: @beyondprotocols
DISCLAIMER: This show contains the opinions of the hosts and guests and is meant for entertainment and education purposes only. We are not your doctor. You are not our patient. Always consult with your actual medical provider before changing any aspect of your mental or physical health care. Viewer discretion is advised.