Jan 17 2024 69 mins 23
Ao quinto episódio, lançamo-nos à espionagem feminina ao longo da História. Objetivo da missão: revelar papéis preponderantes de mulheres na resolução de grandes conflitos, recorrendo à Antiguidade e à extraordinária Josephine Baker (essa mesmo); lembrando as corajosas Mildred Harnack e Virginia Hall no combate pela Liberdade, mesmo no coração do nazismo; e ainda espreitando (QED) o extraordinário caso das D Day Girls, fundamentais para o desembarque aliado na Normandia e para a Europa que conhecemos - e vivemos - hoje.
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«Every time you went to answer a question, you were answering for your entire sex. It may not have been true, but certainly you felt that way. You were different and the object of curiosity.» Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Rainha Gorgo de Esparta: Heródoto, The Histories, edição Robert Strassler, The Landmark Herodotus, Quercus, Londres, 2008.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War, tradução de Samuel B. Griffith, Edição Ilustrada, Watkins Publishing, Londres, 2005, capítulo 13.
Ioanna Iordanou, Venice’s Secret Service, Organizing Intelligence in the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019.
Edward N. Luttwak, Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire, The Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. e Londres, 2009.
Helen Fry, Women in Intelligence, The Hidden History of Two World Wars, Yale University Press, New Haven e Londres, 2023.
Odette Sansom: Sarah Rose, D-Day Girls, The Spies who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win World II, Crown, Nova Iorque, 2019
Virginia Hall: Sonia Purnell, A Woman of No Importance, The Untold Story of Virginia Hall, WW2’s Most Dangerous Spy, Virago, Londres, 2019.
Josephine Baker: Damien Lewis, The Flame of Resistance, The Untold Story of Josephine Baker’s Secret War, Quercus, Londres, 2023.
Mildred Harnack: Rebecca Donner, All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days, The True Story of the American Woman at the Heart of the German Resistance to Hitler, Back Bay Books, Nova Iorque, 2021.
Saber mais:
«Every time you went to answer a question, you were answering for your entire sex. It may not have been true, but certainly you felt that way. You were different and the object of curiosity.» Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Rainha Gorgo de Esparta: Heródoto, The Histories, edição Robert Strassler, The Landmark Herodotus, Quercus, Londres, 2008.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War, tradução de Samuel B. Griffith, Edição Ilustrada, Watkins Publishing, Londres, 2005, capítulo 13.
Ioanna Iordanou, Venice’s Secret Service, Organizing Intelligence in the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019.
Edward N. Luttwak, Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire, The Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. e Londres, 2009.
Helen Fry, Women in Intelligence, The Hidden History of Two World Wars, Yale University Press, New Haven e Londres, 2023.
Odette Sansom: Sarah Rose, D-Day Girls, The Spies who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win World II, Crown, Nova Iorque, 2019
Virginia Hall: Sonia Purnell, A Woman of No Importance, The Untold Story of Virginia Hall, WW2’s Most Dangerous Spy, Virago, Londres, 2019.
Josephine Baker: Damien Lewis, The Flame of Resistance, The Untold Story of Josephine Baker’s Secret War, Quercus, Londres, 2023.
Mildred Harnack: Rebecca Donner, All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days, The True Story of the American Woman at the Heart of the German Resistance to Hitler, Back Bay Books, Nova Iorque, 2021.