Jan 18 2024 40 mins 1
John Bowen and Jeremy McClung from the Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College https://institute.wycliffecollege.ca/ talk us through their research on trends in conversion to Christianity in Canada, and it's not what you might think. John and Jeremy discuss how their findings can support effective evangelism in our nation.
A summary of their findings can be found here: https://institute.wycliffecollege.ca/2024/01/how-and-why-canadians-become-christian-five-lessons-from-recent-research/
Their full research report can be accessed here: https://institute.wycliffecollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2024-GI-Jan-Finding-Faith-in-Canada-Today-1.pdf
Also, introducing Christie Chan as our newest member of The Centre for Research on Church and Faith.
A summary of their findings can be found here: https://institute.wycliffecollege.ca/2024/01/how-and-why-canadians-become-christian-five-lessons-from-recent-research/
Their full research report can be accessed here: https://institute.wycliffecollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2024-GI-Jan-Finding-Faith-in-Canada-Today-1.pdf
Also, introducing Christie Chan as our newest member of The Centre for Research on Church and Faith.