Bog Buddies: The Supreme Vikings Confraternity

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Jan 28 2024 99 mins   37 1 0
In this rather cultic episode, we handle the Powerwalking Club's discovery of an obscure group of proto-Scandifuturists from the Niger Delta, which led to the establishment of a bona fide research institute to investigate it further. From its humble beginnings as a harmless student fraternity, to a dreaded international crime syndicate dabbling in blood oaths, juju, prostitution and drug trafficking, we do our best to figure out what the hell the Supreme Vikings Confraternity is as we wade through their intricate lingo and mythos. Who is this "prince Odin" and why does he have eight legs? What's an Iceland? What's their relationship to the (Nigerian) Klansmen? What does it mean to be rugged? Is there a continuity betwen this viking cult and the indigenous traditions of the Igbo people? What position do these people hold in the Scandifuture? Perhaps they should be invited to serve as the Brute Norse equivalent to the Varangian guard? Find out for yourself in this episode, and don't forget to support Brute Norse at