Mar 19 2024 60 mins
Warrior: Christian
AI: Multiple Sclerosis
HSCT: 11/3/23 at the Tom Baker Cancer Center in Calgary
Superpower: body awareness
What is your capacity for listening to your body? How well do you fare through complications? How comfortable are you with looking inward?
After the numbness and tingling in his legs restricted his capacity to walk in the course of just a few weeks, Christian was quickly diagnosed after finding the right doctor who knew what his symptoms were indicating. After cycling through a variety of disease-modifying therapies over the course of seven years, Christian continued relapsing. After the humbling and terrifying experience of being wheelchair-bound for a few months in December of 2022, Christian switched DMTs again and after it didn’t stop new lesions, he was eventually referred for HSCT in Calgary in June of 2023.
Tune in to learn more about the circumstances that led Christian to pursue HSCT in Calgary, and how he fared through the myeloablative protocol, including complications and resolutions. Be sure to visit our website, where you can find notes from today’s episode, submit ideas or feedback, or connect with HSCT Warriors, Inc. and schedule time to “Talk with a Warrior”, find the latest research and resources, or explore information about locations. Special thanks to musical genius Billy Alletzhauser for sharing his superpowers to produce the soundtrack, and to Jacob Kinch for engineering the audio to make this podcast possible. You can find us when you subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes or wherever you find podcasts.
It has been great to connect with Warriors worldwide, so please reach out if you’re interested in sharing your story. We would love to learn how the podcast has helped your journey with autoimmune disease so if you could take a moment, leave us a comment on instagram or share feedback on our website. We hope you’ll tune in next Wednesday for another episode, highlighting another HSCT Warrior. Until then, be a snowflake and embrace your superpowers. Be kind. Be well.
Jen Stansbury Koenig and the producers disclaim medical influence and responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. If you think you have a medical problem, please contact a licensed physician.
AI: Multiple Sclerosis
HSCT: 11/3/23 at the Tom Baker Cancer Center in Calgary
Superpower: body awareness
What is your capacity for listening to your body? How well do you fare through complications? How comfortable are you with looking inward?
After the numbness and tingling in his legs restricted his capacity to walk in the course of just a few weeks, Christian was quickly diagnosed after finding the right doctor who knew what his symptoms were indicating. After cycling through a variety of disease-modifying therapies over the course of seven years, Christian continued relapsing. After the humbling and terrifying experience of being wheelchair-bound for a few months in December of 2022, Christian switched DMTs again and after it didn’t stop new lesions, he was eventually referred for HSCT in Calgary in June of 2023.
Tune in to learn more about the circumstances that led Christian to pursue HSCT in Calgary, and how he fared through the myeloablative protocol, including complications and resolutions. Be sure to visit our website, where you can find notes from today’s episode, submit ideas or feedback, or connect with HSCT Warriors, Inc. and schedule time to “Talk with a Warrior”, find the latest research and resources, or explore information about locations. Special thanks to musical genius Billy Alletzhauser for sharing his superpowers to produce the soundtrack, and to Jacob Kinch for engineering the audio to make this podcast possible. You can find us when you subscribe on SoundCloud, iTunes or wherever you find podcasts.
It has been great to connect with Warriors worldwide, so please reach out if you’re interested in sharing your story. We would love to learn how the podcast has helped your journey with autoimmune disease so if you could take a moment, leave us a comment on instagram or share feedback on our website. We hope you’ll tune in next Wednesday for another episode, highlighting another HSCT Warrior. Until then, be a snowflake and embrace your superpowers. Be kind. Be well.
Jen Stansbury Koenig and the producers disclaim medical influence and responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. If you think you have a medical problem, please contact a licensed physician.