Apr 01 2024 45 mins
Natalie Taylor is the milliner and designer behind the brand N.A.T Millinery, based in Cairns, Tropical Far North Queensland. Her creation "Leto" was awarded 1st Runner Up in the Lillian Frank AM MBE Millinery Award in 2023. Inspired by Leto, the Greek Goddess of Motherhood, the design celebrates Natalie's journey of motherhood with her daughter Charli.
See full article at https://millinery.info/2024/03/n-a-t-millinery-with-natalie-taylor/
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B Unique Millinery www.buniquemillinery.com/
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This podcast is hosted and produced by Lauren Ritchie for Millinery.Info
See full article at https://millinery.info/2024/03/n-a-t-millinery-with-natalie-taylor/
Thank you to our podcast sponsors
Hat Blocks Australia www.hatblocksaustralia.com.au/
Judith M Millinery Supply House www.judithm.com/
B Unique Millinery www.buniquemillinery.com/
House of Adorn www.houseofadorn.com/
Hatters Millinery Supplies www.hattersmillinerysupplies.com.au/
Lifted Millinery www.liftedmillinery.com/
Hat Academy www.hatacademy.com
Hats by Leko www.hatsupply.com/
Hat Mags www.hatmags.com/
Louise Macdonald Milliner www.millinery.com.au/
Millinery Australia www.millineryaustralia.org/
Become a Patreon supporter at www.patreon.com/millineryinfo
This podcast is hosted and produced by Lauren Ritchie for Millinery.Info