Jul 01 2024 60 mins
Chris spent four days visiting 11 colleges in Boston and surrounding areas. He walks Joel through the visit for Part 2 of the Collegetown, USA tour. In Part 2, Chris gets drenched, hangs out with a legend and takes a river cruise. Enjoy!
Wellesley: 2:30
Babson: 12:10
Olin: 18:05
Boston College: 25:25
Providence: 33:00
Brown: 41:45
RISD: 48:45
Music on this episode comes from Normcore always (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Normcore/Neighbors/Heartless_Man).
Wellesley: 2:30
Babson: 12:10
Olin: 18:05
Boston College: 25:25
Providence: 33:00
Brown: 41:45
RISD: 48:45
Music on this episode comes from Normcore always (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Normcore/Neighbors/Heartless_Man).