Jul 22 2024 35 mins
Monika Neuhauser is a milliner based in Pirongia, New Zealand, where she creates bespoke millinery pieces. Monika discovered her passion for millinery in late 2006 when a friend invited her to attend a local race day. She attended the Wagga Millinery Convention, where she met her mentor and friend, Waltraud Reiner.
Her clients have won prestigious best-dressed awards, including winning best dressed at the 2023 VRC Melbourne Cup Fashions on the Field Competition and the Dubai World Cup. Monika offers her customers a quality experience with color matching and styling support to perfectly accessorize their outfits.
See the full article at https://millinery.info/2024/07/monika-neuhauser/
Thank you to our podcast sponsors
Hat Blocks Australia www.hatblocksaustralia.com.au/
Judith M Millinery Supply House www.judithm.com/
B Unique Millinery www.buniquemillinery.com/
House of Adorn www.houseofadorn.com/
Hatters Millinery Supplies www.hattersmillinerysupplies.com.au/
Lifted Millinery www.liftedmillinery.com/
Hat Academy www.hatacademy.com
Hats by Leko www.hatsupply.com/
Hat Mags www.hatmags.com/
Louise Macdonald Milliner www.millinery.com.au/
Millinery Australia www.millineryaustralia.org/
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This podcast is hosted and produced by Lauren Ritchie for Millinery.Info
Her clients have won prestigious best-dressed awards, including winning best dressed at the 2023 VRC Melbourne Cup Fashions on the Field Competition and the Dubai World Cup. Monika offers her customers a quality experience with color matching and styling support to perfectly accessorize their outfits.
See the full article at https://millinery.info/2024/07/monika-neuhauser/
Thank you to our podcast sponsors
Hat Blocks Australia www.hatblocksaustralia.com.au/
Judith M Millinery Supply House www.judithm.com/
B Unique Millinery www.buniquemillinery.com/
House of Adorn www.houseofadorn.com/
Hatters Millinery Supplies www.hattersmillinerysupplies.com.au/
Lifted Millinery www.liftedmillinery.com/
Hat Academy www.hatacademy.com
Hats by Leko www.hatsupply.com/
Hat Mags www.hatmags.com/
Louise Macdonald Milliner www.millinery.com.au/
Millinery Australia www.millineryaustralia.org/
Become a Patreon supporter at www.patreon.com/millineryinfo
This podcast is hosted and produced by Lauren Ritchie for Millinery.Info