Animated by the Dharma

Episode Artwork
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Sep 11 2024 52 mins  
A joyous conversation today with Buddhist artists and practitioners about illustration, animation, puppetry, model making and art - how all of these can help bring to life the Buddhist path in the most beautiful, moving and inspiring ways!

Mandarava has always been a maker. Her way into puppetry came initially through trying to make sense of deep family grief. Mandarava’s work is brimful of magic - filtered through fairy tales, her own deep immersion in illustrative art and the realm of stories accompanying long-cherished images, both from childhood and her further adventures as a grown-up. We hear about her exploration of female figures from the Buddhist and other mythic traditions, including the resonances between old mythologies and certain kinds of visualisation meditations that feature imagery representing a rich seam of possibilities for transcendent Buddhist practice.

Aryajit, animator extraordinaire, was inspired as a boy by Star Wars’ retelling of classic mythology. It was a major influence on his deciding to live out the Buddhist path as “the adventure of my life”; and to help make the tradition new in his own work animating many aspects of that path. His work appears extensively on The Buddhist Centre Online, explaining and evoking in brilliant ways both the nuances of the Dharma and the life of the Buddha as a set of nested myths and stories that still resonate today when re-presented in this way. Watch any of his animations (see the show notes below!) and you can feel his own quietly passionate heart in the work.

Prasannavira from The Windhorse Trust was instrumental in helping fund Aryajit’s new animated series, ‘The Legend of the Buddha’. We talk about helping shape a Buddhist context to fund creators and innovators. And how bringing up his own children within a broadly Buddhist culture informed by classic stories and images has helped him as a parent. We also hear about Prasannavira’s own trove of mythic reference points, including Studio Ghibli’s ‘The Tale of the Princess Kaguya’. And about his early days as a Buddhist in London, profoundly affected by modern evocations (inspired by Tibetan tradition) of the great guru Padmasambhava.

There’s so much to enjoy in these thoughtful exchanges: from the legacy of classic British children’s television and theatre to the life of the imagination itself. We explore how stories can help us work with past trauma to figure out a realistic path through life in relation to our ideals. And the connections between new work in animation, illustration, puppetry, drawing and painting and established traditions of folk and classical Buddhist art (from India, China, Japan and elsewhere). Whether it’s the value of dramatization, theatre and ritual for evoking the best of Buddhism, or how being “good” at art isn’t the point - everything flows in this fun episode about how to never lose touch with the sense of wonder and creativity we have as kids, and need now more than ever.


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Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.