Episode 264-The (Truly) First Electric Car

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Oct 24 2024 15 mins  
According to many sources, Apollo 11, which landed on the Moon in July 1969, drew the attention of the entire world. But subsequent missions to the Moon and other ambitions efforts by NASA and its partner agencies drew far less attention. How quickly the sense of awe and wonder wanes. We take computers for granted; our mobile phones are orders of magnitude more powerful than anything that got Apollo to the Moon—and trust me on this, the Apollo on-board computers were wondrous devices for the time, automatically controlling pitch and yaw and roll and the firing of thrusters and retrorockets at precise times. Flying around the world has become mundane, more a chore than an incredible opportunity. We even have electric cars on the road. That’s a different scale of wonder, but you know what I mean. People pay no attention to space launches, yet they’re impressed by cars that run on batteries and can go 250 miles without recharging.

But here’s the thing. It ain’t all that impressive. Sorry, Elon. Electric cars are a good idea, and they’re good for the environment—mostly—but they’re not a new idea. In fact, the first truly electric vehicle—a car—was built in 1965. And it wasn’t designed for smooth, modern highways, with conveniently spaced charging stations along the way. No, it was designed to be driven on the Moon. And it did. In fact, three of them made the trip.

Let me tell you the story, with a little help from NASA.