Joey Remenyi from Seeking Balance International talks with Gretchen Gavero, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist based in Hawaii.
We talk about the importance of honouring our body and the pull inwards to feel our deep darkness, even when this takes us to very low places. We talk about how to move through, what skills we need to understand our bodily intelligence and how to use our body as a compass: what is the gift and wisdom behind the pain.
We touch up on reciprocity, interconnectedness and the way we shape the world through our thoughts, words and actions. We are always being influenced and taking information in from the world around us; it is equally important to empty ourselves of the information that does not belong to us. To return to our own sense of internal safety, connection and belonging as a way of life.
Learn more about Joey and her work here:
Learn more about Gretchen here:
We talk about the importance of honouring our body and the pull inwards to feel our deep darkness, even when this takes us to very low places. We talk about how to move through, what skills we need to understand our bodily intelligence and how to use our body as a compass: what is the gift and wisdom behind the pain.
We touch up on reciprocity, interconnectedness and the way we shape the world through our thoughts, words and actions. We are always being influenced and taking information in from the world around us; it is equally important to empty ourselves of the information that does not belong to us. To return to our own sense of internal safety, connection and belonging as a way of life.
Learn more about Joey and her work here:
Learn more about Gretchen here: