How Should America Make The Case For Democracy? Attraction Not Promotion! (12-8-24)

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Dec 08 2024 28 mins  
Let Russ Cook,

How Should The United States Promote Democracy?

I think there's an insight from AA that would be useful in American democracy advocacy -- rely on attraction not promotion.

I've been watching a bunch of journalists and Middle East experts proclaim that America has vital interests in Syria, and I'm suspecting that these individuals have vital interests promoting perspectives on Syria that are contradictory to American interests.

Imagine you've spent your adult life specializing in Syria and now is your moment to go on CNN or to publish in the New York Times about how important Syria is. Your personal interests and the national interests are contradictory. On the face of it, America has not vital interests in Syria, but the more dramatic and important you can present the situation in Syria, the more you can advance your interests as a journalist and Middle East expert.

Imagine how exciting it must be to play the great game of geo-politics when compared to the humdrum task of focusing on American welfare.

If you are not a member of AA, AA won't take your money. Even if you do identify as an alcoholic, AA limits how much money you can give (no more than about $2,000 a year) lest ego interfere with the best functioning of the group.

Instead of intervening all over the world to promote democracy, American interests would be better served by a policy of attraction not promotion.

Why does America stick its beak all over God's little green acre? Because it can. It has no worries in its own sphere.

What type of men have affairs? Those men who can. Which men are least likely to commit adultery? Those men with the fewest options to commit adultery.

When men have the opportunity to promote themselves, they usually will, even if comes at the cost of the general welfare.