Dec 16 2024 5 mins
Under-loving, Over-giving, under-receiving. Under-no-ing, over-yes-ing.
It has everything to do with your experience of self-worth whether or not this is reflected in your salary or income.
Finding and claiming your sense of value is a lifelong process.
It unfolds over time in baby steps and leaps and then more baby steps.
Overcoming underearning requires both internal and external work.
For todays money teaching, I offer some of the internal practices that my community and I have found most helpful in growing our sense of value and overcoming underearning from the inside out.
(This is an edited excerpt from my first book: The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness)
So, which practices are you going to focus on today?
Pick one or two and start slowly and lovingly...
I am with you,
P.S. My three-phase financial therapy method includes Money Healing, Money Practices and Money Maps. This list of overcoming under-earning practices comes from the Money Healing realm where the internal work resides. We delve into the external practices of claiming your value by moving through money ceilings, learning how to work with cash flow dips and creating sustainable business models in the Money Practices and Money Maps phases of my financial therapy work.
It has everything to do with your experience of self-worth whether or not this is reflected in your salary or income.
Finding and claiming your sense of value is a lifelong process.
It unfolds over time in baby steps and leaps and then more baby steps.
Overcoming underearning requires both internal and external work.
For todays money teaching, I offer some of the internal practices that my community and I have found most helpful in growing our sense of value and overcoming underearning from the inside out.
(This is an edited excerpt from my first book: The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness)
So, which practices are you going to focus on today?
Pick one or two and start slowly and lovingly...
I am with you,
P.S. My three-phase financial therapy method includes Money Healing, Money Practices and Money Maps. This list of overcoming under-earning practices comes from the Money Healing realm where the internal work resides. We delve into the external practices of claiming your value by moving through money ceilings, learning how to work with cash flow dips and creating sustainable business models in the Money Practices and Money Maps phases of my financial therapy work.