Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw: "Retaliatory Defamation Lawsuits, Equality Principles, and Access to Justice: Commentary on Hansman v Neufeld", volume 55, Advocates' Quarterly
Osgoode Professors Richard Haigh and Dan Priel are joined by Toronto lawyer (and former student of ours) Lil Cadieux-Shaw ’17 in a departure from our usual book review conversation. Lil has recently published an article on the fascinating Supreme Court of Canada defamation case of Hansman v Neufeld. The three of us have a wide-ranging discussion about the case, defamation law, anti-SLAPP legislation and more. If you want to Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw: "Retaliatory Defamation Lawsuits, Equality Principles, and Access to Justice: Commentary on Hansman v Neufeld", volume 55, Advocate's Quarterlyread the article, it is available on the York Centre for Public Policy and Law's website:
Osgoode Professors Richard Haigh and Dan Priel are joined by Toronto lawyer (and former student of ours) Lil Cadieux-Shaw ’17 in a departure from our usual book review conversation. Lil has recently published an article on the fascinating Supreme Court of Canada defamation case of Hansman v Neufeld. The three of us have a wide-ranging discussion about the case, defamation law, anti-SLAPP legislation and more. If you want to Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw: "Retaliatory Defamation Lawsuits, Equality Principles, and Access to Justice: Commentary on Hansman v Neufeld", volume 55, Advocate's Quarterlyread the article, it is available on the York Centre for Public Policy and Law's website: