Dec 18 2024 26 mins 4
“You change the heart of a child and you've changed the world" - Dr. Lew
In a culture that believes everything they legalize is moralized, Dr. Hamby and Dr. Lew weigh in with some refreshing and relevant thoughts. Listen in for an epic discussion on current politics, the battle we’re called to as believers in Christ, and the war for America’s children.
Book mentioned on the show: That Printer of Udell’s (Ages 12+)
In a culture that believes everything they legalize is moralized, Dr. Hamby and Dr. Lew weigh in with some refreshing and relevant thoughts. Listen in for an epic discussion on current politics, the battle we’re called to as believers in Christ, and the war for America’s children.
Book mentioned on the show: That Printer of Udell’s (Ages 12+)