Jan 23 2025 8 mins 7
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra nueva serie de podcast! ¡Ciencia con Juanjo! (https://www.instagram.com/juanjo_oj/) En esta aventura, nos sumergiremos en el emocionante mundo de la ciencia y tecnología de vanguardia. Exploraremos avances científicos y tecnológicos fascinantes, y nos adentraremos en instalaciones dedicadas a la investigación científica. Como anfitrión, mi objetivo es satisfacer tanto a los apasionados de la ciencia como a las mentes curiosas, utilizando un lenguaje científico adaptado a todos los niveles de nuestro innovador sistema, The 24 Level System to Spanish Fluency®. Para acceder a las transcripciones y más, visiten nuestra página web: letsspeakspanish.com/podcast.
¡Acompáñenme en este viaje de conocimiento y descubrimiento!
Welcome to our new podcast series! Ciencia con Juanjo! (https://www.instagram.com/juanjo_oj/) We will delve into the exciting world of cutting-edge science and technology. We'll explore fascinating scientific and technological advancements, and dive into facilities dedicated to scientific research. As your host, I aim to please both science enthusiasts and the curious, using scientific language adapted to all levels of our innovative system, The 24 Level System to Spanish Fluency®. For transcripts and more, visit our website: letsspeakspanish.com/podcast.
Join me on this journey of knowledge and discovery!
¡Acompáñenme en este viaje de conocimiento y descubrimiento!
Welcome to our new podcast series! Ciencia con Juanjo! (https://www.instagram.com/juanjo_oj/) We will delve into the exciting world of cutting-edge science and technology. We'll explore fascinating scientific and technological advancements, and dive into facilities dedicated to scientific research. As your host, I aim to please both science enthusiasts and the curious, using scientific language adapted to all levels of our innovative system, The 24 Level System to Spanish Fluency®. For transcripts and more, visit our website: letsspeakspanish.com/podcast.
Join me on this journey of knowledge and discovery!