Jan 29 2025 31 mins 1
January 30, 2025. Gospel Passage: John 1:35-42. Also 2 Corinthians 5:14. Also quoting from St. Josemaría Escrivá in "The Way" Point 382 in escriva.org/en/camino/382and "Christ Is Passing By" Point 183 in escriva.org/en/es-cristo-que-pasa/183 and Pope Benedict XVI's Apostolic Letter, "Motu proprio—Porto Fidei" for the Indiction for the Year of Faith, Point 7, dated October 11, 2011 in www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/motu_proprio/documents/hf_ben-xvi_motu-proprio_20111011_porta-fidei.html. Also Fr. Fernando Ocáriz's Letter from the Prelated dated February 14, 2017, Point 9 in opusdei.org/en/article/letter-of-the-prelate-14-february-2017 and "30 Day Eucharistic Revival" by Fr. Donald H. Calloway. Meditation with Fr. Francis Ongkingco, Woodrose School Chaplain. Image: "Vocazione di San Pietro e Sant’Andrea" (Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew) (detail) by Ludivico Cardi (Il Cigoli) in the Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi, Florence (Uffizi).