Jan 27 2025 35 mins
Kate Rich is an artist, trader, and researcher based in the UK. We discussed 'feral trade', a grocery business set up by Kate, for which her internationally traveling (art world) friends and acquaintances act as couriers. We then talked about 'radmin', a long-term effort to radicalize the administrative work that's always there, but usually remains in the background, even in social art practices.
Art in Permacrisis is a podcast on the organization of art workers in the face of the ever-growing stack of crises, hosted by Sepp Eckenhaussen. This episode was recorded in Brussels, in a studio generously offered by Rune Peitersen and Level Five Cooperative.
Link list
Feral Trade website: https://feraltrade.org
Interview with Kate on Feral Trade in Wired from 2013: https://www.wired.com/2013/07/whats-new-with-kate-rich-and-feral-trade
Katherine Gibson and Kate Rich, 'Feral Trade: Taking back Markets for People and the Planet', Unlikely, no. 1, https://unlikely.net.au/issue-1/feral-trade
Introduction to feral trade from 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyvofILBKKs&ab_channel=AVFestival
Radmin Reader 2020: https://fo.am/publications/radmin-reader-2020
Article by FoAM-founders Maja Kuzmanović & Nik Gaffney on the aims of the organisation: https://www.designdecode.org/maja-kuzmanovic-nik-gaffney
Article by Kate Rich, Maja Kuzmanović, and Nik Gaffney from 2023 discussing the Institute for Experiments with Business (IBEX): https://anarchive.fo.am/crystal/grey-skies-thinking
The 2024-2027 project Frictions: https://www.alpinecommunityeconomies.org/2024/10/01/welcome-to-dr-kate-rich-our-first-marie-sklodowska-curie-postdoctoral-fellow
Art in Permacrisis is a podcast on the organization of art workers in the face of the ever-growing stack of crises, hosted by Sepp Eckenhaussen. This episode was recorded in Brussels, in a studio generously offered by Rune Peitersen and Level Five Cooperative.
Link list
Feral Trade website: https://feraltrade.org
Interview with Kate on Feral Trade in Wired from 2013: https://www.wired.com/2013/07/whats-new-with-kate-rich-and-feral-trade
Katherine Gibson and Kate Rich, 'Feral Trade: Taking back Markets for People and the Planet', Unlikely, no. 1, https://unlikely.net.au/issue-1/feral-trade
Introduction to feral trade from 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyvofILBKKs&ab_channel=AVFestival
Radmin Reader 2020: https://fo.am/publications/radmin-reader-2020
Article by FoAM-founders Maja Kuzmanović & Nik Gaffney on the aims of the organisation: https://www.designdecode.org/maja-kuzmanovic-nik-gaffney
Article by Kate Rich, Maja Kuzmanović, and Nik Gaffney from 2023 discussing the Institute for Experiments with Business (IBEX): https://anarchive.fo.am/crystal/grey-skies-thinking
The 2024-2027 project Frictions: https://www.alpinecommunityeconomies.org/2024/10/01/welcome-to-dr-kate-rich-our-first-marie-sklodowska-curie-postdoctoral-fellow