February 2, 2025. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Gospel Passages: Luke 2:22-40; John 2:19. Also Exodus 25-30. Quoting St. Josemaría Escrivá in "Christ Is Passing By" Points 182 and 72 in escriva.org/en/es-cristo-que-pasa/182, escriva.org/en/es-cristo-que-pasa/72 and "The Way" Points 376 and 267 in escriva.org/en/camino/376 and escriva.org/en/camino/267. Meditation with Fr. Francis Ongkingco, Woodrose School Chaplain. Image: Presentación de Cristo en el templo" (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple) by Philippe de Champaigne in the Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puero Rico (Wikimedia Commons).