Lately, the trend is to blame almost everything that’s health-related on seed oils. The truth is some seed oils are extremely bad for the body. That’s why, for decades now, Medical Medium information has exposed the dangers of many seed oils—including canola, soy and corn oil—and has released advanced information on the subject, such as canola oil damaging the intestinal linings and even feeding bad bacteria in the gut—all this during a time when toxic seed oils were not known and even heralded as healthy oils. Today, health trend riders and opportunists throw the baby out with the bath water by ostracizing all seed oils as severely damaging when that is not really the truth. These same influencers of health were promoting and consuming lots of seed oils only just a few years ago. They don’t realize that some seed oils are less problematic and don’t cause as much harm in small amounts to a really strong, healthy young person and that there are lots of nuances and details that matter, such as outlining differences as to which ones cause trouble and why. Some seed oils aren’t a big issue at all, but all oils in general, including all seed oils, can be an issue when someone is chronically ill because of high fat content, which doesn’t allow the body to cleanse easily, and for many other reasons. All oils can inhibit someone’s healing process to some degree. When someone is sick with chronic illness and is struggling in so many different ways, canola oil, corn oil and soybean oil can be too much of a burden on the immune system and even feed pathogens. Plus, even healthier overt fats such as avocado, nuts, and olive oil can be burdensome. Get ready for this episode; a lot of groundbreaking information and truths about seed oils will be awaiting you.
In this episode…
Learn whether seed oils are better or worse for you than other foods out there.
Discover more about different types of oils and what they are and aren’t responsible for when it comes to your health.
Uncover how canola oil can accelerate chronic illness and how it is used as a low-cost alternative for olive oil in restaurants.
Learn which seed oil can eat away at all linings in the body, including the linings of a woman’s reproductive system.
Discover the “bad boys” when it comes to oils and why you should stay away from them no matter what if you have chronic illness.
Uncover which of the seed oils will not feed a bad bug.
Learn about health foods created within the health industry and what you might find on the back of their packaging.
Discover what products beyond seed oils are far more impactful on your health than seed oils ever could be.
Uncover why, if you’re sick and struggling, you should keep the fats low.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
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In this episode…
Learn whether seed oils are better or worse for you than other foods out there.
Discover more about different types of oils and what they are and aren’t responsible for when it comes to your health.
Uncover how canola oil can accelerate chronic illness and how it is used as a low-cost alternative for olive oil in restaurants.
Learn which seed oil can eat away at all linings in the body, including the linings of a woman’s reproductive system.
Discover the “bad boys” when it comes to oils and why you should stay away from them no matter what if you have chronic illness.
Uncover which of the seed oils will not feed a bad bug.
Learn about health foods created within the health industry and what you might find on the back of their packaging.
Discover what products beyond seed oils are far more impactful on your health than seed oils ever could be.
Uncover why, if you’re sick and struggling, you should keep the fats low.
All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it.
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