Feb 26 2025 73 mins 8
Pray for Francis' conversion, repentance. Immorality of IVF. Feral federal judges! Promoting patience and charity at home and at work. Catechism of Trent: "delayed ensoulment"? Marital abstinence before Communion? Official or personal penance during Lent? St. John 18:37 - "Give testimony to the truth". Did Mary need a Savior? Protesting Mary!
This episode was recorded on 2/25/2025.
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May God bless you all!
This episode was recorded on 2/25/2025.
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Please consider making a monetary donation to What Catholics Believe. Father Jenkins remembers all of our benefactors in general during his daily Mass, and he also offers one Mass on the first Sunday of every month specially for all supporters of What Catholics Believe. May God bless you for your generosity! https://www.wcbohio.com/donate
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May God bless you all!