Mar 01 2025 51 mins
Вторая часть двухчасового сета Confo (Греция)
Сет Confo, сыгранный им в Храме Будущего на Trust in Trance- праздновании 30-летия транс музыки в России 25.01.2025 в клубе Артист Холл.
Мероприятие было подготовлено ChillOutPlanet.Ru (ChillOutPlanet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation).
The second part of the two-hour Confo set (Greece)
The Conf set he played in the Temple of the Future at Trust in Trance, the celebration of the 30th anniversary of trance music in Russia on 25.01.2025 at the Artist Hall Club.
The event was prepared ChillOutPlanet.Ru (Chill Out Planet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation).
Сет Confo, сыгранный им в Храме Будущего на Trust in Trance- праздновании 30-летия транс музыки в России 25.01.2025 в клубе Артист Холл.
Мероприятие было подготовлено ChillOutPlanet.Ru (ChillOutPlanet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation).
The second part of the two-hour Confo set (Greece)
The Conf set he played in the Temple of the Future at Trust in Trance, the celebration of the 30th anniversary of trance music in Russia on 25.01.2025 at the Artist Hall Club.
The event was prepared ChillOutPlanet.Ru (Chill Out Planet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation).