Mar 03 2025 15 mins
Shaking Up the World is a collection of stories by the Naval Academy Class of 1957 members. Some classmates watched Japanese planes bombing Pearl Harbor (Tom Marnane). Walt Meukow spent the war as a prisoner in the Philippines; another Art Aronson, was a prisoner in the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz.
The Shaking and shaping of four years at Annapolis molded men who would spend their lives shaking up the world, large and small, in uniform and as civilians. Brad Parkinson's architecture of the Global Positioning System (GPS) was monumental. Charlie Duke, an astronaut, spent 72 hours on the moon's surface. Jerry Barczak tells about being hijacked by Hezbollah terrorists in a fatal event. The War in Vietnam involved Leo Hyatt's account of imprisonment at the Hanoi Hilton, which is a classic in bravery and loyalty. Larry Bustle's account of being shot down over enemy territory brings back the terrific impact war had on all of us—Bob McElwee's story of his life as a National Football referee
The Shaking and shaping of four years at Annapolis molded men who would spend their lives shaking up the world, large and small, in uniform and as civilians. Brad Parkinson's architecture of the Global Positioning System (GPS) was monumental. Charlie Duke, an astronaut, spent 72 hours on the moon's surface. Jerry Barczak tells about being hijacked by Hezbollah terrorists in a fatal event. The War in Vietnam involved Leo Hyatt's account of imprisonment at the Hanoi Hilton, which is a classic in bravery and loyalty. Larry Bustle's account of being shot down over enemy territory brings back the terrific impact war had on all of us—Bob McElwee's story of his life as a National Football referee