Mar 03 2025 92 mins
Сет DJ Denyxis (Dance Corporation), сыгранный им в Храме Поколений на Trust in Trance- праздновании 30-летия транс музыки в России 25.01.2025 в клубе Артист Холл.
Мероприятие было подготовлено ChillOutPlanet.Ru (ChillOutPlanet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation)
A set by DJ Denyxis (Dance Corporation), played by him in the Temple of Generations at Trust in Trance, a celebration of the 30th anniversary of trance music in Russia on 25.01.2025 at the Artist Hall club.
The event was prepared ChillOutPlanet.Ru (ChillOutPlanet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation)
Мероприятие было подготовлено ChillOutPlanet.Ru (ChillOutPlanet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation)
A set by DJ Denyxis (Dance Corporation), played by him in the Temple of Generations at Trust in Trance, a celebration of the 30th anniversary of trance music in Russia on 25.01.2025 at the Artist Hall club.
The event was prepared ChillOutPlanet.Ru (ChillOutPlanet Festival & (Aero)dance Corporation)