Dan Smith is country manager for Mass Challenge a startup accelerator with a global network in throughout Boston, London, Mexico, Adelaide and more.
Dan has had significant exposure to startup and new business programs, and we talk about a range of issues, including - the purpose of a startup accelerator, other new business programs and the different functions on offer. And then there’s the big question: Which program, if any, is right for you?
We also talk about startup ecosystems, and how startups can transition out of the safety net of these supportive programs into the real world.
And then we chat to three startup founders who have just been through the MassChallenge program to talk about the birth of their companies.
Will Conlon, Think Holographic https://www.thinkholographic.com/
Hugh MacGillivray, Hop The Wall https://www.hopthewall.com.au/
Richard Kwan, Titan Online
MassChallenge - http://www.masschallenge.org
Startup Adelaide - http://www.startupadelaide.com.au
The Executive Roundtable - The http://www.theexecutiveroundtable.com.au/
CEO Institute - http://www.ceoinstitute.com/
This podcast is brought to you by KMT Partners. KMT is a leading accounting and wealth management advisory firm in South Australia, assisting you to emerge, renew, grow and build resilience in business, themes which are central to this podcast series. For more information visit http://KMTpartners.com.au
Subscribe to our mailing list: https://kmtpartners.com.au/kmt-partners-podcast-sessions-join-our-mailing-list/
KMT on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KMTpartner/
KMT on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kmt-partners
This podcast is hosted and produced by Andrew Montesi from Apiro Media http://apiropodcasts.com
Dan has had significant exposure to startup and new business programs, and we talk about a range of issues, including - the purpose of a startup accelerator, other new business programs and the different functions on offer. And then there’s the big question: Which program, if any, is right for you?
We also talk about startup ecosystems, and how startups can transition out of the safety net of these supportive programs into the real world.
And then we chat to three startup founders who have just been through the MassChallenge program to talk about the birth of their companies.
Will Conlon, Think Holographic https://www.thinkholographic.com/
Hugh MacGillivray, Hop The Wall https://www.hopthewall.com.au/
Richard Kwan, Titan Online
MassChallenge - http://www.masschallenge.org
Startup Adelaide - http://www.startupadelaide.com.au
The Executive Roundtable - The http://www.theexecutiveroundtable.com.au/
CEO Institute - http://www.ceoinstitute.com/
This podcast is brought to you by KMT Partners. KMT is a leading accounting and wealth management advisory firm in South Australia, assisting you to emerge, renew, grow and build resilience in business, themes which are central to this podcast series. For more information visit http://KMTpartners.com.au
Subscribe to our mailing list: https://kmtpartners.com.au/kmt-partners-podcast-sessions-join-our-mailing-list/
KMT on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KMTpartner/
KMT on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kmt-partners
This podcast is hosted and produced by Andrew Montesi from Apiro Media http://apiropodcasts.com