Mar 16 2020 22 mins
I know, I know, you can't go to the bar. I know you're held down there. Well, shut up now, my friend, and please open up your one and only MacAdam's Beer Mobile Kit, which will allow you to enjoy both the beer and the atmosphere of Jefferson Avenue Waystation from the slovenly comfort of your own domicile. This kit includes:
- 20 oz. aluminum tube full of carbon-pack MacAdam's beer
- Brass fitting for beer dispensing
- Plastic MacAdam's branded cup wrapped in 70's newsprint
- Flashdrive containing voice recording and text transcript
- 20 oz. aluminum tube full of carbon-pack MacAdam's beer
- Brass fitting for beer dispensing
- Plastic MacAdam's branded cup wrapped in 70's newsprint
- Flashdrive containing voice recording and text transcript